~Happy Birthday~

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(This one is dedicated to my now 10yr sister!!!She told me not use her name so I'll use doll because that's her nickname<3)

Scarlett's Pov

I woke up to anti pulling on my hair gently and saying "Scarlett! Wake up!" I slap his hand away and glared at him, I push him off my bed. "Why do I have to wake up!?" I whispered/Yelled at him. He smirked and jumped up onto my bed again, "it's dolls birthday!" My eyes widened in surprise, she 10! I quickly get up and grabbed antis hand, I was still in my pjs but whatever!

I let go of his hand and silently opened her door and thankfully, she was asleep. I closed it and went downstairs to see dark the phone. I tilted my head till anti whispered: "he's calling Mark, Jack, and Felix.." I nod and decided to make her favorite breakfast witch was a Chocolate-Strawberry Shortcake.

I pulled anti into the kitchen with a psycho smile on my face, "You're gonna be my little helper t'day, got that?" He shook his head 'no' and whined like a child. "Why can't anyone else do it?" I rolled my eyes and laughed softly, "Because one, I'm a demon so others would try to run and two, I know you love shopping anti and especially for girl clothing!" He gasped and crossed his arms then nodded. "Fair point..." I giggle and got the ingredients.

~Le TimeSkip~

It's been awhile but the food is done! I had anti run to store to store for what she has interests in and dark check on doll 2/47. I was about to call anti back till I herd a girly scream okay so- wait! A girly scream!? I quickly get my phone out and text dark.

Me: Umm.. Take her wherever she wants! Protect her with your life!

Okay and I will :Dark

I hide the cake in the fridge and ran upstairs. I opened the door and she and dark were gone. A sigh in relief escaped my mouth as I went back down, anti slammed the door open with Jack, Mark, and felix behind him.
"Anti, did you get everything?" I question as I took out the cake. He nodded and went upstairs to where I'm guessing doll's room. I looked up at jack then quickly looked away, I sensed blood and being a blood demon it kinda triggers you.

Jack laughed and followed anti and mark just patted me head to witch I just stepped back and went back to decorating the cake. I herd Felix just snicker and went along. Anti was first down so I turned to look at him, he just smirked, "What's the matter, sweetheart?" I glare​ at him and looked away in embarrassment. He just laughed, he then moved closer and whispered: "Go," I nod but before doin so I grabbed him by the neck and growled out: "better start cleaning up Sean's cut or I'll loss it.." Jack walked down to see me with a blank stare. He rolls his eyes and suddenly my phone went off, I push anti away and picked it, "hello?" I asked then a sudden scream was sounded witch caused me to jump. "SCARLETT! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE, LIKE NOW!" I dropped my phone and looked at anti with a smirk. "He doesn't know, does he?" Anti laughs and shook his head. I teleport to doll's location only to see her in the wooden cabin with a stuffed teddy Bear in her hands.

"Happy birthday, dolly!" I yell running and picking her up. She giggles and booped my noes, I smiled and whispered:

~Happy birthday, dolly~

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