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Anti pov

It's beautiful, isn't? Well, you can't see it but I can. I got fairy lights and they look stunning in my room but sadly I'm the only thing to see them.

I sigh happily though as I sit on my bed; legs crossed and a bright smile on my face. I suddenly got a text from my crush! Sincerely, darkiplier~! I quickly reply happily.

SenpaiDarky🌹:Do you mind if I come over, anti?

Me: of course, you're welcome anytime! Uh...I mean like, sure..

SenpaiDarky🌹: be there in five minutes~ ;)

Me: okay~

See, I try not to be tooo available but for him, I'm anyways. I giggle and get up, I walk over to my wardrobe and look for a different outfit. I pull out a black and grey T-shirt that was a one shoulder T-shirt to be exact.

I get dressed and suddenly herd my doorbell ring, I herd jack answer it saying I was in my room. I felt butterflies in my tummy when I herd his voice..

I have a minute to play music so I did, my favorite song right now.
It wasn't loud enough that it would sound like I just turned it on but when you enter it might be loud..

A knock at my door was herd making he get up and open it, dark smiled brightly and waved hello.

"May I come in, anti?" Dark asked kindly to witch I nod yes.

He smiled and walks in, I walk over to my bed and ly down on it. I herd dark chuckle light making my blush darken.

"So, what're you doin' here, Darky?" I asked feeling my confidence strike.

He smirked slightly and walked over to my bed; sitting on it and smiling happily.

"I have a secret just for you," he said softly.

He leaned against the wall and looked at me with kind, sweet, loving eyes. I could go on for days on how they looked..

He suddenly pulls me into his lap
and held my waist! My face heated up as I let out a nervous laugh. I gain my conference back and curled up to dark's chest.

Dark didn't really seem mad at my actions though I felt his heart skip beats. He kissed my head softly, I giggled lightly.

"May I hear the secret?" I asked softly.

Dark smiles and nods, he lifted my head up so I was making eye contact with him. He leaned in and kissed me! I take a few seconds then kissed him back, sparks, electricity, damn did it feel good to kiss him..

~One Month Later~

I lay down on my bed, my fairy lights had a calm reddish pink and arms wrapped around me. The said arms around me belonged to dark, my now boyfriend..

"I wanna cuddle more.." He said when I sat up.

"Hmm, okay!~" I easily say as I ly back down against him.

"I love you, y'know.." He says softly and quietly.

"Yes, I know because I love you, too.." I say back just a soft. 

(A/n: okay, this was random and probably bad written but ehh, today I'm feeling alil depressed but whatever. Hope you guys liked it and buh~Bye~!)

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