~Bullying Target~

803 12 19

3edPerson pov

*Slightly sad*

A boy sits in a rather loud class room, he was writing a story project that he'd chosen to do alone. Mr.Dess told the class to write whatever they please but it has to be five pages long, so anti already started as everyone else chose to talk.

Anti was writing about a fox and and wolf, the fox struggled to survive in the freezing winter as for the wolf, he lived in his warm den having a meal of elk he last killed. Now, anti had a demon in his mind but sadly the demon was the school's punk and anti was the school's shy smart demon.

As anti wrote he herd voices getting louder twords the area he'd chosen to write at. His eyes shifted up to see who was walking twords him and they three demons were his bullies, virus, ender, and drew. He quickly looked down and pretend he never say them but by the time he looked up again virus already snatched the pages out of anti's hand leaving him afraid.

"What's baby anti written, hm?" Virus taunted and looked at the first page.

Anti looked down and kept his distance, but as soon as the doors slammed open he ran down the stairs and ran out of class twords the bathroom. Anti had meny bullies in forth grade but his mommy told him to stay strong, he never listened to her because he thought his mom lied.

He always got bullied for liking his own gender and that brought down his self-esteem big time. 

He ran into the bathroom and hid in  a stall, foot steps were sounded in the no longer empty bathroom.
Anti covered his mouth to keep s-
ilent from who he thought was his bullies but it was someone he'd dreamt about.

Anti listened and herd nothing so being him, he opened the stall door and slowly walked out and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Fookin loser! Ya deserve ta be picked on!" He yelled lowly at himself.

Now, anti isn't alone in bathroom and I'm guessing you as the viewer knows. Dark, the demon of anti's dreams was watching him in shadows. Dark honestly shouldn't just watch but he did have apart in bullying his crush.

Anti saying mean and hurtful comments to himself but one of them made dark gasp silently..

"You don't even deserve to live!"
He said but once the words left his pink, plush lips he broke down into tears.

Gripping hard on the marble skink cover, tears fell slowly down his pale and slightly red cheeks. Dark had enough watching and immediately hugged him from behind, kissing his head softly. Anti jumped but felt warm and smelt dark's clone he'd sometimes Wear.

"You do deserve to live, anti," dark whispered in his ear as he hugged him tightly.

"You don't deserve to be treated in such awful and cruel ways you're currently being treated."
Dark slowly sat down on the tiles and stroked anti's hair gently.

Anti teared up more and held onto dark tightly, he didn't care that they we're in a public place as he broke down. Dark turned anti so he was face to face with him and kissed him. Tears still fell but anti immediately kissed back, what can he say? He loves dark.

Dark smiles softly in the kiss and pulled anti close to him, he pulled away and hugged anti.

"I'll always be here for you, love. I promise." Dark whispered softly in his ear.

Anti nods and cuddled up against dark, he knows he'll get on trouble for being out for so long and running out of class without permission but right now, he could care less.

(A/n: Sorry that this is kinda sad but I'm working on a happy joyful one as this goes up so it might or might not come out t'night or tomorrow, idk. I'll cya in the next chapter! Buh-bye~!)

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