~Soft Tears, Soft Kisses~

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3edPerson Pov

It was raining outside. The rain was rather loud, perhaps it was hail? Well, whatever it was it awoke a green eyes demon and that demon was named anti. Now, anti has huge fear of Storm, rain and thunder. He looked over at the left side to see his boyfriend dark sound asleep. Anti had gotten up and took a hesitant step twords the door. He wasn't afraid that dark would awake but afraid of the storm and his anxiety to wake up, he has really bad anxiety when it come to storms. So, as he slowly crept downstairs and loud roar of thunder echoed through the house and left him shacking. He did was he thought first, run to the kitchen. He was slowly having a panic attack as red lightning flashed, it lit the entire kitchen for a second till it went all dark.

Anti slowly crawled over to the corner and pulled his knees to his chest, beginning to let out loud sobs. He looked up and thought he saw a shadow watching him with blue eyes and neon white teeth. Lightning flashed again and anti thought the shadow had moved closer with now white eye and blood painted on his teeth. He cried out in fright as the thunder grew way louder and suddenly dark awoke to antis cries. He quickly got up and ran downstairs and into the kitchen to see anti in the corner, crying. Dark quickly picked him up on instinct and looked at his tear stained cheeks, eyes and basically face. "What's wrong baby?" He calmly asked but sternly, he walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.
Dark kisses anti on cheek and pets his hair slowly.

"It's alright, I gotcha sweetheart.." His boyfriend tried to calm anti down by taking to him lovingly and leave sweet kisses all around his exposed body parts. Dark whispered sweet nothings into his ear and kissed his tears away.
Dark lies his head down on antis and continued to kiss away his anxiety. "D-dark, can you-!" Another loud bang was herd and made antis heart beat fast, tears falling more. Anti closed his eyes tightly and stared to shack more roughly. "Calm down sweetheart, it's just a Storm. It'll pass sooner or later.." Antis tears began to be hurt his skin as he still was suffering from his panic attack but he listened to dark and shakily nodded.

Dark kisses him softly as antis tears turned from harsh to soft as his boyfriend kissed them away. Anti closed his eyes slowly, he whined slightly but entered the dream world and smiled. Dark closes his eyes, not wanting to risk waking his baby up so they just lied on the sofa, asleep..

(A/N:So..being the weird person I is I'm not sure I put lied like that or layed.. Anyway whatever. This is crap as usual but how's your day going?................

*awkward face*  buh~Bye~!)

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