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3person POV

(Don't be cut off!)

[Mentions of Self-harm and depressing thoughts, read at risk]

Fat, ugly, kill yourself.. All of these ran through antis head. He got bullied, he had friends but when they found out he was gay they left. He cuts himself alot because he was depressed, not even his mother cared. Anti is now in the school's bathroom crying, he got stabbed recently, not by himself but by his old boyfriend Justin. He now lays on the cold bathroom floor with tear stains covering his face. "Why am I hated so much...?" He mumbles out trying to whip away the tears but more flow out. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and a guy with red hair and black clothing walk in, he looked like that one kid mark that hangs around anti's old friend jack or Sean. The kid saw anti and his face went pale, seeming to recognize him and rushed over to him fast. "What happened to you anti!?" Anti was in complete shock on how he knew his name, he'd thought it was a dream till he spoke again, "Gonna Answer me, please?" He mumbled the last part almost silently. "I-i g-g-got stabb-bed in m-my le-g" anti was now having a panic attack, he has these often and he hears his own voice saying "Why aren't you dead yet!? You should runaway and kill yourself! I'm always right and you're always wrong!" Anti was now crying more as this stranger held him close to his chest, he kept whispering sweet loving thing to his ear just hoping he would listen. Anti closed his eyes for a second and It went dark, he was opened his eyes and right away saw that strange in a seat next to him asleep. A doctor walked in and smiled, he looked young.. Mid twenty's. He had blonde hair and now started to grow a beard. "Hello Antisepticeye, glad to see that you're awake. You pasted out in the bathroom at your school." He sounded Swedish, anti looked back at the stranger and a light blush covered his face. "Who's that?" Anti asked looking back at the doctor. "Oh, that there is darkiplier. He brought you hear and informed the nurse about what he saw." Anti blushed full on and looked to see dark awake smiling at him, he had a beautiful smile and Carmel redish eyes. "I'll leave you too alone now.." The doctor left and closed the door. Anti was about to say something till something wonderful happened..dark had just kissed anti and anti kissed back. Dark pulled away slowly and smiled, he gently took anti's hand and rubbed his scares.
"You're perfect anti, don't ever let anyone tell you different," dark held his hand and rubbed soothing circles on his thumb.
"I love you, anti" these words jump because not even his old boyfriend told him he loved him yo witch he never did., and even know anti doesn't know dark, he loves him too.. "I l-love yo-u t-too, dark"

The words, "You're perfect" always stayed in his head, from now on he stuck around dark and they became boyfriends and the voice and cuts never happened again...

So they thought...

(A/N: heyy~! Sorry I took a little, I was packing and then roleplaying :3 I also kept this short bc I have 'homework' to do.. Ugh lol whatever oh and sorry if thus is sad, I going through it again >~> I'll try my best to stay happy soo.. I gotta go so I'll see you in the next chapter! Buh~bye~!)

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