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Anti's pov

I shut the door with a loud and tired sigh, oh, and pissed off. I look around to see that dark wasn't here, great. Not even caring at this point, I take off my shoes and crawl over to the fluffy comfortable​ bed.

The door opened minutes later to reveal my Darky with his raven black hair messed but and a funny grin on his face.

"Hello, love. How's work?" He asked as he calmly shut the door behind him.

I mumbled a response through the black velvet blanket and giggled. He raised an eyebrow and smiled brightly, he then walked over to me but I stop him.

"Take off your clothing and dress in the outfit I told to ware last night, then you can do whatever." I sassily said.

He rolled his eyes playfully and picked up the conveniently placed outfit while walking to our washroom. A few minutes pass as the door opened and there stood my Darky in a pink and blue onesie outfit.

"Dark! You look so cute!" I laugh as I jump off the bed and hug him.

He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up, walking to the bed and layed me down first then himself right next to me. He pulled me closer to his warm body, meant for cuddling.

"Darky?" I murmur as I turned over to could face him.

He hummed in response as his arms around me got tighter, not pain full but, safe.

"Tomorrow, could we go to the café? I herd it's new and quite calming at night." I whispered slightly, my voice so soft.

"Of course, darlin~" Dark purred into my ear.

I blushed and closed my eyes, smiling warmly and calmly.

"I love you, Darky~"

"I love you, too anti~"

With the last nine words shared, they were both asleep, cuddling each-other as the warm calming night passed. Tuesday's night wasn't that bad, well, to anti and dark at least.

(A/N: Hewo! I'm SO sorry I didn't update, like I have around nine drafts! Writers block is such a bitch ,=^=, anyway, hopefully you liked this one, I might make a part two or not..what do ya' think on that? Buh~bye~!)

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