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3edPerson Pov

It'd just start to rain as a green haired neko sits on the beach; ears down, tail flickering slowly and knees pulled to his chest. The neko was sad, as you could tell. He stares off at the water and sighed. The reason this neko is sad is because his old master had pasted just today and he was in love with his master.

A small whimper left his lips as thunder and lightning struck.
He'd cried nonstop ever sense his mater died. The neko was about to get up till he herd a recognized voice call his name. He thought he was going crazy till the voice got louder.

He looks over to his right and saw..him. His master. Tears fell more harshly as he got up and ran to him. His master held out his arms for his neko to hug him but as soon as the small neko reached to him, poof, he was gone.

"D-DARK!?" The neko used his real name, only once in his life.

The rain became more cruel and heavy as the green haired neko looked for him but nothing except wild waves, wet sand, and rain. The neko stood weakly and cried, murmuring his master's name every time one tear fell.

Anti slowly touched his collar with print saying,
'Darkiplier's soulmate'. The neko sighed again and sat down by the harsh water.

"I love you, Darky.." Anti whimpered but he could of sworn he'd herd dark say it back..

(A/N: sorry that is was sad and short but I'm just feeling sad today but anyway hopefully you enjoyed, buh~bye~!)

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