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Anti's pov:

Dark and I walk to his house after school, he rolled his eyes when I picked a worm because I guess these worms come out when it's wet and damp?

I threatened to throw one at him but he said he'd leave me to die with them in the sun to which I believed making me drop it and walk next to him.

"God, you believe like everything I say!" He complained and walked up the wooded stairs to his house door.

I sighed and followed him, the rain started to pick up, it down rained on us because he left his door locked. I mumbled something making dark look up at me and roll his eyes.

"Have a better plan?" He growled at me.

I shrugged and walked to his backdoor, opening it then walking into his living room. He followed and looked slightly shocked at how I knew that his backdoor was unlocked.

I rolled my eyes and sat on his warm fluffy sofa, very comfortable.. I smiled as he sat next to me, he just grabbed the remote and clicked for it to turn on. I leaned back hid my hands in coat pockets, sighing as one stuck out of a hole in the left pocket.

Dark glaced down at my pocket and smiled slightly, "I have a sowing packet in my room, you may go get it if you'd like." He offered.

I smiled calmly and nodded, I got up and went upstairs, being quite because dark's dog eclipse was sick and needed rest. I saw his room down and walked twords it, slowly opening it.

The smell I was created with was a sweet minty sent. I smiled and walked in, looking for what dark said was- wait..what's that? I walked closer to his checkered bed to see a small book with a key ontop of it, it was already open..Sense dark copied my math homework for the past year, I should read what it says..right?

I pick the small book up and flipped to the first page.

Page one~

The first day of school wasn't that bad, I met Sean's demon today and he seems neat..I think I might like him but I'm not sure, probably just a crush, I'll get over it soon.

Page two~

We have the same classes in very subject..and he sits by me in all but one, science.. Fuck you science teacher. >:( he smiled at me though so that made my day..

Page three~

Anti chose me to help in a partner project! I shouldn't be freaking out but he was nice and kind twords me..it's nice to know someone's actually kind..

Page four~

Anti didn't show up in the past week..I wonder why..I hope he's okay. My teacher asked me about him, I had no info and even if I did, why tell a fuckin teacher!?

I was about to read another page till I herd foot steps, I panicked but keep reading, skipping to the last page..

Page sixty two~

I'm finally gonna do it! September fourth is when I'm gonna ask my crush, anti out..I hope he accepts my..offer??....kill me. :3

I blushed deeply as I quickly placed his book down and sat on the bed, smiling innocently. I hope I don't look too suspicious..

A moment passed as dark finally came and opened the door, immediately looking at then the book. A Scarlet red blush covered his toned skin, he sighed and closed the door.

"Anti, did you read that little book?" Dark calmly asked me, and of course I'm not gonna tell him so I simply shook my head no. He sighed again and walked up close to me, holding both sides of my face and kissed me.

After about a minute, he pulled away, "Don't lie, anti, did you read my book?" He calmly asked, looking deep into my eyes.

"Y-yeah... I'm sorry dark...i-i know I should've just-" he cut me off by kissing me again, this time it was full of poisonenes love.

Dark pulled me into a tight hug as he mumbled, "I love you so much, anti.." he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too, darky..."  I whisper, kissing his cheek.


"Yes, love?"

"W-will you be..my boyfriend...?"


(Hai! I'm dead, not real, just a can of trash. So....hope you enjoyed my miss spells and crap, peace peace✌)

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