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Third Person pov:

It was Halloween, Friday the thirteenth and kids of all sizes ran to door to door to get delicious candy. Though candy in another person's perspective was rather unhealthy, witch if you're beings logical, it isn't good for you.

And as one kid sat in his tree house, he was reading about this and he was the typical nerd that freaked out about almost anything but no offense to the nerds. He gently put the book down, his eyes a little wide as he glances around his windows, his face with pure horror.

His nane was anti, a ten year old kid with a sweet girly personality. He always wearing pretty pink clothing and even sometime white but his mommy told him white stains easily. And as anti glances down at his little outfit, he immediately started picking off the sweet candy beads from it.

While this was happening, his best friend dark came over with two bags of candy, smiling because he just knew anti was gonna thank him for the sweet treats. He parked his old school bike next to the reddish pink tree anti had in his yard and began walking to his friend's tree house ladder, humming a calm toon.

Once he was up, he saw anti sitting in the corner with his pink, blue, and yellow beads that belonged to his dress all around him, even in the crooks of the red oak wood flooring he had. Though dark didn't pay mind to that, smiling brightly at anti, "Look! I got us bags of candy!" Dark cheers happily.

Anti gasped as he stood up, tapping of the beads that sat on his dress falling in the process. "Dark! No! Don't ever get this!" he whined as he tried getting the bags from his taller friend but Dark just raised his hands a little higher so anti couldn't reach, "whatcha mean, anti? I thought you'd be happy I got you this.." he trailed off.

Anti rolls his eyes and huffed, crossing his arms, "I would be if candy didn't kill you!" he cried out, sounding like a whiny kitten.

Dark paused before slowly starting to chuckle, "Candy won't kill you, anti. It'll just ruin your teeth if you eat so much at once." he cooed, lowering his arms slowly. "And besides, I wouldn't let candy kill you."

Anti's cheeks burns a little as he just looked out the window to see kids eating in front of their houses, looking back at Dark. "you sure they won't die?" he whispers quietly.

Dark simply down, dropping the bags of sweets before hugging his small, adorable, sweet, little pastel friend. "of course I'm sure. When have I not been, sweetheart?"


(heh..hiii...hahaha- okay, let's get real, I'm brainless. I have a whole lot of drafts in this book and non has been posted since April.

I apologize for that, I'm gonna get back on track soon. Just, please send requests. I'm lacking in ideas here and most of the ideas I did have aren't child friendly, regarding into Smut 18+ kind of stuff. I mean, I can put in the book just, I didn't permission from you guys so I know it's Okay.

Another topic, holy crap. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm proud of myself for this, and you should be proud of yourself too =) Look-

 I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm proud of myself for this, and you should be proud of yourself too =) Look-

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