~Pretty Winter~

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Anti's pov:

Soft snow flurries sprinkle the crisp November air, a good amount of snow on the surface of outside. Christmas lights all throughout town, Some may hate snow, some may complain saying it's not even Christmas yet! But if you ask me, I love the lights and snow. It gives a warm comfortable feeling, not much physical but more mental.

I was laying in my bed, wearing pajama pants and a pink sweater. It was rather warm in my room, candles lit dimly as my lights set a orange/red light on the White Walls of my house.

Though, I kinda wanted to explore so I got up and went to my wardrobe. I pull out a black and grey furred coat and boots with the same design. 

I felt without my phone or anything else really because this town was trusting and small so I knew almost everyone in it. As soon as I got out, a chill ran up my spine as snow gently fell onto my blue hair.

It was actually well lit up since I lived downtown, Christmas lights strung about all over the shops and trees. Dome even on the floor near the array of trees, perfect and romantic in the fall.

As I pass by other people I knew all too well, I trip over a rock that was hidden by the soft snow. I landed on the ground with a sigh and lifted my head up, and to my surprise, a hand was extended out to me to Which I gladly took.

"Are you okay? That fall didn't look too well.." The make stranger said calmly.

My face heated up as he moved around, seeing as nothing felt wrong of painful. "I'm alright..I guess, thanks for helpin' me...?"

He paused for a second and glanced down, a little pink shade on his cheeks as he murmured quitely "Dark,"

He's so cute..WAIT- no, not today, not tomorrow! I don't like or even love this- this stranger!

A hand waved in front of me as I snapped back to reality, dark was saying something to blurred into,

"Hey, you sure you're okay? You just, well, zoned out?" Dark said, a little concerned.

Cute voice..aw, he's concerned for me! That's so-

I was interrupted by him simply saying, "Okay, just...don't take this the wrong way or anything but, you're cute.."

My face heated up even more and smiled awkwardly shy, the snow already taken over my hair and made me more pale. Dark Chuckled lightly and began to walk away while waving.

"Cya around unknown cutie!" He exclaimed, walking down Jackson Street. Topically my nightmare street, I hate how it floods so much.

"Uh- Anti!" I blushed, hand both my hands to my chest as he disappeared.

|Two weeks later|

Time dose go by so quickly, I now slide down the sidewalk that was rather smooth if you ask me. Though, I was stopped by falling again.  Now, this time, it was because my boots had something on them. I sigh and move to my feet, looking up to be met with red carmel eyes. "Hey, lil' clover. I see you've fallen again?"

It's him..

"Uh, Yeah, I did.." I stamper, my face a cherry red.

The red eyed male chuckled and smiled perfectly, he glanced up at the beautiful sky and sighed happily. "So, I was thinking, I really wanna know more about you beside that you trip a lot."

I blush dark red and smile shyly, "That sounds fun, but I must ask you something, could we be friends?" I spoke as calmly as I could.

He's gonna say n-

"Of course, anti. We can be friends as long as you prefer!" Dark chripped happily.

I sighed in relief and hugged him awkwardly, off to finding things about this cute stranger..

And that's what happened, we found more and more about each-other each second. A year's past and we've figured out both of our sexuality, of course, dark asked me out first but I was the one kissed him frist. Life was actually, well, good..

(A/N: Hewo! So I'm back! Sorry for the lack of updates and stuff, I lost my Internet for a few weeks then we started packing because I'm moving! I've also noticed 16k readers! Gawd, words can't explain how happy I am. I really do thank you and everyone else for this! Anyway, I bid goodbyes to all you! Cya in the next short!)

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