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3edPerson Pov

A green haired teenager sat on a small hill, he was waiting for his boyfriend to arrive to witch he did. He got out of his car and run up the hill to be greeted with a cute demon with a flower crown. "Hello, Darling," His boyfriend had said with his left hand on the cute demon's cheek. "Hello, darky!" The teenager said kissing his cheek, he then sat down gently. Dark sat next to him and played with his hair with a grin on his face. "..someone at school today called me a-a faggot.." The green eyed demon suddenly spoke out, he knew dark would let anything happen to him but he hand a bruise from the kid that had called him such a discussing word. He was warring make-up to cover the mark but if you looked closely you could see it.

"Don't ever listen to them, they just want to breakdown and cry but you're way more stronger then them." Dark stated as he kissed his boyfriend's head, he pulled him into his lap and fixed antis flower crown for him. "..He hit me..dark," anti said leaning against darks chest as he looked up at the pink fluffy clouds and the orange and blue sky, it seemed so calming to him.
Dark began to worry and looked down at anti "Where?" He calmly asked but in the inside he wanted to get revenge on the kid who would pick on a such an innocent bean.

"My arm.." The boy Pointed at his right arm and felt calmer as he told dark this. His boyfriend sighed and gently grabbed his hand, kissing it. "baby, please run away and call for me. I'll always hear your calls out for anything." He adjusted the flower crown once more with a cute smile.
He nods and turns around to face the red eyed demon, he leans in and kissed him softly. His boyfriend of course kissed back, it wasn't a heated kiss or a Sexual kiss, it was a sweet, passionate, loving kiss. They cuddled almost till night then left to get ice cream but as they were nearing the ice cream shop dark leaned down and whispered,

"My flowerBoy~"

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