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3edPerson pov:

A tired demon looks over at his shaded white wall, tears filling his bloodshot eyes as he bites his lip to hold in the rather loud sobs.

He finally let one tear slide down his tearstained cheeks. Why was this little demon crying you may ask? Well, it's because he herd himself speak the sad, sad truth.

He was scared of his own shadow. He was embarrassed of his fear, but had to live with it. His roommate, dark was in the room with him but the little demon thought he asleep.

The demon chocked back his sobs as the tears fell uncontrollably. He herd their door creek open but when he looked, nothing was there but the door was open just a small bit, though light shined though like a bright light.

He looked down at the smooth wooden floor and saw a shadow. The demon watched closely as the shadow moved closer twords his bed.

"P-please," the demon whimpered softly.

Dark herd that and looked over at him, he then looked down and saw the shadow just, sitting there. Not moving, not even a little.

He was about to ask if he was okay till he look closer at anti's face, he saw tears in his eyes and a horrified look on face.

Anti moved backwards till he was pressed against the wall, he watched as his shadow crawled up onto his bed and move closer to him.

"One out twenty will I get to kill you.."

Anti screamed in fear and put his hand out in defense, dark immediately hugged him. He didn't know what was going on currently but knew this demon needed a hug.

The shadow stopped​ and slowly vanished into the light as anti cried more, he mumbled something to dark.

"What was that?" Dark asked softly.

"Thank you.."

Dark smiled and turned on the light in between the beds, he hesitantly kissed the smaller's head and pulled him to his chest.

"If you ever see your shadow, please always remember it's not gonna hurt you." Dark whispered to anti softly.

All the green haired demon could do was nod slowly and close his eyes.

"I love you, dark" He was now asleep peacefully.

"I-I love you too, anti."

Dark was up all night playing with the little demon's hair and sung sort melodies.

(A/N: This is an actual fear, it's called "Sciophobia", the meaning of it is the fear of shadows. The origin of the word scio is Greek (meaning shadow) and phobia is Greek (meaningfear). Sciophobia is considered to be a specific phobia, which is discussed on the home page. Sciophobia is also known as Sciaphobia. Have a GoodDay, buh~bye~!)

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