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3ed person pov:

Blue/Green innocent eyes reflected into the pink cased mirror, baby blue eyes iris mixing with neon green iris making his eyes pop out. Pink soft lips, similar to cotton candy.

The boy was in a laced up black dress, looking stunning as always.
Warring Light gray slippers with real jewels in side the white straps that held his pale feet captive.

Dark green fluffy hair brushed to the left side of his head as he smiled happily. Suddenly, his doorbell rung, so he got up and skipped to the door. Opening the red wooded door to meet eyes with his lover, dark.

"Darki!" The boy yelled happily, hugging him with so much love.

The taller chuckled and hugged the boy back, kissing his head gently as the energetic demon giggled.

"Really, baby?" Dark asked, looking down at him, reserving a nod from him.

Dark took anti's hand gently after closing (And locking) the door behind them. The night smelled of crisp fire and the smell of cinnamon apples. The two boy walked along the pink leaved sidewalk, hand and hand as the smiled. The two looked at each other and giggeld, one having a blush covering his face as the other just laughed and smiled.

Dark suddenly picked anti up and ran through the woods that was next to the them, anti looked ahead and saw a fairy lights surrounding a blanket and few boxes from Victoria's secret. Anti laid his head on his chest as he got carried to probably that location.

Dark got there and gently placed anti down, his dress covering his milky legs slightly. The taller sat down next to anti and pulled him into his lap. The smell if bubble gum filled the air as dark played with anti's hair, as if he was a little kid.

"Darky? Why is this so...perfect?" The boy asked, looked up at his love.

Dark smiled, "Because you're perfect, princess."

A Scarlet red blush covered his creamy cheeks as he giggled, "And you're cheesy, darkipie!"

The amount of love these too share would honestly make any couple jealous, literally but for them, it was perfect.

Dark looked up at the sky to see starts covering the beautiful sky.
With a light tap on the head from dark to anti, making the boy look up to see the same thing but to him, it was amazing!

"It's beautiful, dark!" Anti chripped, looking at dark with his sparking blue/green eyes.

The boy never failed to make dark fall more and more for this little demon, maybe some day, they'll get married..

(A/N: so I'm trying a new style in writing.. hopefully you guys like it. Anyway, my sister suggested this to me and I thought I did ok on it, what do you guys think? I'll text you now, there'll be misspells and words that don't belong as usual but whatever. Enjoy your night/Afternoon/Morning!)

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