~Red String~

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-Soul mate au-

Anti's pov:

I was born with a red string only I could see, I tried to cut it but it couldn't. I'd given up with it a few years ago and now I Stand in a coffee shop writing about 'Teenager Depression'.

Currently, I was taking a break whole sipping some of my bubble tea. I was scrolling threw the web and found an article that talked about the red string I have. It said we all have a red string but you just can't see them, it means you have a soul mate out there. You can only identify you're soulmate with seeing their string, the only way it'll disappear is if your soulmate dies or you die.

I give a quick glace at my string, thinking I have a lover out there. The thought alone made me blush a little and look around nervously. No, I didn't see any strings, just a disappointment of a man and female chatting. Anyway, I sigh and pack my things after an hour, leaving to walk home.

It was mid November, all the grass dead and slight snow on the ground. I smile to myself and kept looking at the ground, kinda bumping into someone until I really bumped into someone. In a instant, I look up after a hot second of my dramatic ass falling on the ground, quickly apologizing.

"Shit! I'm so sorry, I'm out if it today!" I say with a whine, seeing as he didn't even move, looking at me with deep red eyes. "What." he said in a deep voice, not seeming to pay attention to what'd just happened.

I look at him nervously, mumbling. "F-For bumping into you...?" and then I saw him kinda realize, sticking his hand out to help me up but then I saw it, I saw the string and he clearly saw mine when I accepted his hand.

"The..the red string, you have it...?" he questioned, looking into my almost green eyes. "Y-yeah, the soulmate string?" I mumble. He nods and just smiles, holding both of my hands now.

"Say, how 'bout you and me go to the near by coffee shop? Y'know, get t'know each other more?"

I just chuckled to myself, nodding a little. "Was just there, but of course. I'll pay, I have a tea to share if you're interested?" he coo, looking at the Stranger. "Oh! And my names anti-" I smile, him saying his name was Dark.

After the day I accidentally ran into my dark, we both planned to marry each other and Soon we did. We now sit happily in our little house, drinking bubble tea while watching random horror videos/movies.

I still remember the day I tried to cut the red mysterious string, something I'm glad I didn't do.


Shit? I know, I need to get used to writing again. Anyway, love you guys.

//no longer posting//

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