~Halloween Murders~

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(A/N okay so I know Halloween is no more but I just wanted to do something fun bc let's face it Halloween is my fav holiday and this might go on some chapters so ya. ^~^)

Dark and his friend were high schoolers so they don't go trick/treating anymore but what happened on this Halloween night changed his behavior..)

All darks POV

I was hanging with die, just walking around our 'scary' town normally its sad and crap like that.

Die started to smile when he saw a haunted​ maze and he darted twords it leaving me alone, now don't get me wrong die is funny and stuff but he tends to leave me a lot of time like on my damn birthday. Eh whatever...

"Dark! I'm-.. we're going in! C'mon!" He yelled to me. Honestly I love haunted mazes because it's always Night and I just leave die heh. I go into the maze and already it got completely pitch black with red neon growing around the walls, Blood scattered all around the red glowing walls.

I parted from die so I'm alone again witch doesn't surprise me not one bit. I hear screams here and there, I take a right and a left suddenly I end up walking down a complete dark area. No red light no light at all except my blood red eyes.

I tried to call die but I forgot he always leaves his phone at his house when going somewhere. I shrug it off and walk down the dark dark hallway and stopped at the sight of a green glow from around the corner.

'The fuck is that green glow and when is it dimming? Shit it must be another demon but it's not die, die has a neon blue glow tint to his eyes...."

I walk up to the edge of the corner and look over to see a demon of what I see wearing a green and black hoodie sort of like mine but I have red anyway, his eyes are shut and I see blood all around him with a knife in his hand, he seems to be crying, and his hair is green also. But before​ I leave I'm going do a...thing..

"Don't cry whatever your name is, I'm a murder to.." I say and run back to the lit up part. All I herd was "I-its a-anti.."

(A/n cliffhanger😂 sowry next chapter is pt 2 so yeah buh~) bye~

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