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Athena pulled up her jean shorts, pairing it with a white t-shirt

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Athena pulled up her jean shorts, pairing it with a white t-shirt. She slid on her socks and booties, grabbing a jacket as she left her house.

With her destination in mind, Athena grabbed her holster and swung it to her back. Leaving her house, she made sure her sword sat comfortably in its holster.

Athena walked down the dirt and gravel path, softly humming to herself as she continued to the pool. She tried her hardest not to think about the reaping for the annual hunger games that would be taking place the next day. However, it was hard to push away the dreadful thoughts that swarmed everyone's head associating with the reaping. But for Athena, humming a melody seemed to calm her down even in her worst.

As she approached the swimming pool, she smirked seeing the only person that occupied it. She dropped her holster to the ground, shedding herself of her socks and sneakers.

She made her way over towards the pool, sitting down on the edge. Athena stuck her feet in the warm, clear water and watched as the familiar blonde did laps. One by one, his arms would emerge from the water, only to sink back in as his legs kicked, letting his free style bring him to one end of the pool, then to the opposite.

As he reached the end Athena sat at, he smirked to himself, emerging from the crystal chlorine filled water. Athena smiled as he stood up, standing between her legs.

"Hello beautiful." He caressed her cheek, pushing any strands of hair covering her face, behind her ear.

"Finnick! You're getting me wet!"

Finnick's smirk grew causing Athena to scoff, rolling her eyes, and pulling away slightly.

"God, we're 14! You're such a guy!"

"While, last time I checked..." Finnick's eyes trailed down to his swim trucks briefly, before lifting up to Athena's chest.

"And you're definitely a girl." His smirk reappeared as his eyes finally landed on Athena's green ones. Every day, her eyes looked different which was something that fascinated Finnick greatly.

Athena bit down a smile, trying to look away. However, Finnick's hands lightly found her cheeks, directing her attention back to himself. He slowly leaned in, connecting their lips in a light kiss. Athena hummed, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Finnick's hands found her sides, as he lightly moved them up and down. Athena's legs wrapped around his waist, and she didn't even mind that she was getting damp from the drops of water trailing down his exposed chest.

Athena's eyebrows furrowed as Finnick began to smirk into the kiss, but she shrugged it off. That is until she was engulfed by water. She took a deep breath as she surfaced, whipping her head to Finnick's direction. While they kissed, he had pulled her into the water with him.

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