chapter twenty three

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  Athena sat patiently in her dressing room, awaiting for Joyce to come in and dress her up for the parade

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Athena sat patiently in her dressing room, awaiting for Joyce to come in and dress her up for the parade.

The door opened, in walking a well dressed woman who Athena knew was Joyce. What Athena loved about Joyce was that the way she dressed wasn't as insane as the rest of the Capitol. Her outfits were more toned down than everyone else. Granted, they were fancier than anything she'd ever see if her district, but that didn't mean it didn't look good.

"Alright, you're an adult now. Finnick's stylist is going to have Finnick show a lot of skin, so I will be doing the same with you to show the audience you aren't a kid anymore."

It was almost if time had been repeating itself as Finnick noticed Athena walking out to the area tributes prepared for the parade. His eyes traveled over her entire frame, taking in her beauty.

This time, he definitely noticed how much more sexy and mature her outfit had been than the last one.

She wore a halter top made with fishnet, a piece of fabric underneath, up until her cleavage. A skin tight skirt wrapped around her waist, ending a few inches below her bust. The fabric was the same from her top, more fishnet wrapped around it. Her face was decorated with large amounts of makeup. The top part of her hair was in a waterfall braid, the rest cascading down her back.

Athena felt a sense of deja vu as she approached her fiancé, stopping by his side.

"Never thought I'd end up here again." She sighed, petting a horse.

"Tell me about it. You just gotta make the most of it." Finnick smirked as he noticed Katniss walk up to a horse, beginning to stroke its mane. Finnick strut over to tribute, sneaking a sugar cube on the way. Rolling her eyes, Athena knew he was going over to harass her. She ran up to him, catching up right as he began to talk.

"Katniss!" The seventeen year old looked away from the horse, her eyes connecting with the golden haired boy that approached her.

"Hello, Finnick." Katniss looked to his side, "Athena."

"Do you want a sugar cube? I mean, they're supposed to be for the horses, but who cares about them, right? They got years to eat sugar, whereas you and me, we see something sweet, we better grab it." Finnick held up the small box shaped cube of sugar.

"No thanks, though I would like to borrow that outfit someday."

Athena laughed, "Tell me about it."

"You look pretty terrifying in the getup. What happened to all the pretty little girl dresses?"

"I outgrew them."

"You certainly did. Shame about this Quell thing. Now, you... you could've made it out like a bandit in The Capitol. Jewels, money, anything you wanted."

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