chapter eleven

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Athena stared at the blood staining her clothes as they walked

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Athena stared at the blood staining her clothes as they walked. She killed someone. She actually took a person's life. Granted, they were trying to take hers, but she was still in shock. Athena knew that to survive she'd have to kill, and she didn't know whether she was ready. Hopefully with Finnick by her side, she'd get through most of the Games and go from there. But then again, what if they were the last two?  Finnick sure as hell wasn't going to let her die. At the end of the Games, Finnick would take his own life before letting Athena die. He was going to do everything in his power to make Athena this year's victor, even though it meant he'd die trying. But Athena doesn't know how to survive without Finnick. If she won, she wouldn't know what to do with herself. At least Finnick could carry on with his life, but Athena knew that if she won, her life would be over. She'd lock herself in her house in the victor's village and never talk to anyone again. So she wouldn't let him. She wouldn't allow Finnick to sacrifice himself at the end of the Games if it came down to just him or her.

"We should find a spot to settle down." Casper wiped the drops of sweat on his forehead, looking around. "Preferably in the shade."

"Anyone know how to find some food?" Casper found an opening to a cove, much like the one from before, walking inside.

"Athena and I can catch some fish." Finnick and Athena were the last to walk into the cove. Casper had sat on the ground a rock in his hand, district one's dagger in his other. He began sharpening said dagger with the rock.

"Great, I guess you aren't completely useless." Casper directed his eyes to Athena, before back to the dagger.

Athena sighed, walking out of the cove and to the small river they had passed on their way to it. Soon, Finnick had caught up to her, a spear it hand. The two walked in silence toward the peaceful river in an arena filled with chaos.

The two entered the river, walking farther in until the water reached where their knees met thighs. They scanned the water, until Finnick broke the silence.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No, Finnick. I just killed someone and I'll probably end up doing it again. I just have to suck it up and deal with it."

"Athena, you have it different then everyone. You have someone here, who cares about you. You can talk to me if you need to."

"But that's the thing, Finnick. I have someone here with me that I care about.  That means I'm constantly worried because I know by the end of this at least one of us will be dead."

"Don't think like that. You can't think like that."

Finnick approached her, lightly grabbing her cheeks. "What you need to think about right now, is that I love you. Nothing else. Just focus on that."

Athena nodded, her eyes trailing to the water where a few fish happened to swim by. She broke apart from Finnick, pulling out a dagger, and sticking it into a retreating fish. Finnick tightened his grip on the spear, examining the water, before sticking in his spear.

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