chapter twenty two

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Athena and Finnick walked side by side all the way to the Justice building

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Athena and Finnick walked side by side all the way to the Justice building. Behind them, all the other living victors from district 4 including Mags, Jax, and Annie followed, escorted by a group of peacekeepers. A peace keeper took the little boy who walked next to Athena and Finnick and brought him to the front of the crowd.

Each victor walked up the steps of the stage, the males and females separating into two groups. Octavia sadly walked up to the microphone, a fake smile gracing her features.

"Welcome, welcome. We gather today to celebrate the 75th anniversary and third Quarter Quell of the annual Hunger Games. Ladies first."

Octavia walked over to the glass bowl, getting ready to slip her hand in. However, she grew confused when only one single slip of paper sat on the bottom.

"There- there must be some mistake. Why is there only one?"

"President's orders." Their head peacekeeper grumbled, a scowl on his face. Athena looked down, knowing it was her name on the paper. Octavia seemed to know this too, considering her softened eyes looked at Athena, before swiftly picking up the paper.

The escort walked back to the microphone, clearing her throat as she opened the slip of paper.

Octavia squeezed her eyes shut, hesitantly reading the name out to the crowd.

"Athena Daverns." Athena wiped away the tear that fell out, not wanting to look weak to her future sponsors that would be watching the days recap video. She then walked up next to Octavia, facing the District 4 citizens.

"And the men..." Octavia made eye contact with Finnick, then reached into the bowl filled with the names of the male victors.

She swirled around the slips, finally picking one and holding it up. She walked back to the mic, opening the slip.

Octavia sighed, "Jax Smith."

Jax didn't even get to walk over before the stern voice of Finnick rang through the stage.

"I volunteer as tribute." Jax's eyes widened.

"Kid, you stop that right now."

Finnick ignored him, beginning to walk over to the mic.

"Finnick you can't, you have to much to loose." Finnick looked back at him, shaking his head. He didn't say anything, but through his eyes Jax knew he was warning him to stop.

Octavia took the 24 year olds hands, "Ladies and gentlemen, our tributes for the 74th Hunger Games."

The head peacekeeper walked over, harshly grabbing Athena's arms.

"Let's go." Another came up and grabbed Finnick.

"Let go of her!" The peacekeepers pushed the two through the doors of the building, despite their protests.

"What about our goodbyes?"

"Change of plans this year. Straight to the train."

Hearing this news, both tributes began to scream at the peacekeepers.

"No, you can't do that! I need- I need to say goodbye!" The thought of leaving one out of the two people she loved most in the world forever destroyed her. She knew there was no way she would come out of the Games. And now they were taking away her chance to say goodbye. That shouldn't be allowed.

"Buddy, I swear to god if we don't get our goodbyes I'm going to kill you." Finnick threatened the peacekeeper.

The man ignored him, continuing to bring the two to the train.

As the doors behind them shut, they could faintly hear the screams coming from the one person she needed her goodbye with.

"Cashmere and Gloss." Haymitch displayed their reaping on the screen, pointing to the two blondes.

"Brother and sister, District 1. They won back-to-back Games. Capitol favorites. Lots of sponsors. They will be lethal." Peeta and Katniss took in every word he said, trying to get an understanding of their competition.

"And the other half of the Career Pack because it's pretty safe to say District 4 won't be in it, Brutus and Enobaria."

"What's with her teeth?" Katniss asked, observing the screen.

"She had them filed into fangs so she could rip people's throats out."

"She's committed, I'll give her that."

"Wiress and Beetee. Not fighters, but brilliant. And weird. Really tech savvy. He won his Games by electrocuting six tributes at once."

Haymitch flipped to the next reaping. "The morphings. Masters of camouflage. Basically, won their Games by hiding until everyone else was dead. Self medicating ever since. Which I applaud. Not a threat." Haymitch changed the screen again.

Katniss automatically recognized the face. "Finnick Odair, right?"

"Yes. He won his Games at 14. Youngest ever. Extremely humble."

"You're kidding."

"Yes, I'm kidding. He's a peacock. A total preener. Though, he volunteered for my long time friend Jax Smith.""

"What about weaknesses?"

"One. Athena Daverns." The screen flipped to Athena.

"Her and Finnick are attached by the hip. Didn't technically win her Games, so she was automatically in the Quarter Quell. Snow probably regrets letting her live to this day. Her and Finnick are the Capitol darlings. They love them here. He's charming and smart. She's beautiful and fierce. Both are very skilled in combat, especially in water."

"Finnick's got to know a bunch of the victors will target her. She was supposed to be dead. I bet when it comes down to it, he won't actually protect her."

"Actually, Katniss. You don't know these people, I do. I've met Finnick and Athena. Those two are actually in complete and utter love. It wasn't an act for them. And the same thing goes for you two. The only difference is Athena and Finnick are going in there with their friends. You two don't know any of them."

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