chapter three

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That night Athena laid awake in her bed

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That night Athena laid awake in her bed. She felt put of place as her eyes traveled around her assigned room on the train. It looked nothing like you could ever find in her district. It was filled with all different sorts of furniture straight out of the capitol.

As she moved into her second hour of laying still, she had enough. Athena threw back the blankets she was entrapped in, getting out of the full bed that she only took up a small part of.

She crept out of her room, being as quiet as she could. Following the halls, she found the room she had been debating on entering since she first got into her own bed.

Athena went back and fourth debating whether to knock, but she ended up just walking in not wanting to make unnecessary noise that could result waking up Jax, Mags, or Octavia. The door slid open, allowing her to enter the blue walled room.

Her eyes immediately found the bed Finnick occupied. His body laid on top of the covers, not even bothering to get under them in the slightest.

Athena couldn't tell if he was asleep or not as she approached the bed. His eyes fluttered open hearing a small creak in the floor. His head slightly rose from his pillow, looking up to see Athena walking over to his bed and climbing in next to him.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"No, I was already up. Can't sleep."

"Me either." Finnick raised his arm up, allowing Athena to slid under it. After she got comfortable, he wrapped said arm around her waist, tightening it.

"It'll be okay." That was the last thing Athena managed to hear before falling asleep, Finnick's touch soothing her off to slumber.


Her eyes fluttered open to the sun rays blinding her eyelids. They fluttered open, revealing Finnick's assigned room on the train. She could hear faint noises from outside the room, conditions of plates being moved and faint voices. Athena slowly slid out of Finnick's grasp, letting her feet touch the cold floor. She tip toed back to her own room, careful not to let anyone catch her sneaking back.

After successfully reaching her room and changing, Athena followed the sounds to the room she had sat in the previous day. Sitting at the glass table eating was Jax. Mags sat on the couch drinking a cup of tea, while Octavia sat on one on the other side of the room. In her hands was a fashion magazine that came straight from the capitol. Athena cringed as she looked at the cover, seeing a woman wearing an extravagant wig, followed by a hideous outfit no doubt capitol citizens fawned over.

"Athena." She turned hearing her name being called out, following the voice to Jax. He pulled out a seat next to him, gesturing for her to sit.

She walked over, carefully sitting in the clear seat she had been instructed on taking.

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