chapter ten

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Athena knew this was a bad idea

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Athena knew this was a bad idea. She just knew. A bad feeling crawled up her spine, as she walked with the pack of careers, Finnick by her side. She did not trust a single career, well besides Finnick, one bit. In fact, she feared them. But keep your enemies close, right? Unless doing that just makes you end up dead.

Casper stopped in his place, his eyes locked with one place in the distance. Smoke from a fire had been present from behind a mountain, causing Casper to chuckle.

"Idiots." Casper began to walk at a fast pace in that direction, getting his machete ready. It seemed as he planed to give whoever lit that fire an agonizing death. The rest of the district one and two tributes soon picked up their pace in order to keep up with their "leader".

Finnick and Athena sped up, however didn't travel at their exact speed, so they could quietly talk.

"Finnick, what happens when it just gets down to us? They're going to kill me first you know that right?"

"When it gets down to that, we'll flee together. I'm not going to let them hurt you."

"I don't trust them, Finn. I don't think we should be with them."

"If we don't stay, they are going to hunt you down and kill you. Casper made that pretty clear to me."

"Then we'll avoid them. We can out run them. We're faster than all of them, you that that."

"No. We're staying."

"They're going to kill me in my sleep." Athena mumbled.

"They won't." Finnick took her hand, speeding up, noticing they fell behind a considerable amount.

The alliance reached where the smoke had came from, however no one was present. It was evident that someone had been there by the fire, though, due to the dying flames and disheveled dirt where someone had sat.

Casper let out what resembled a growl, his head whipping around the camp site. His eyes stopped on a passage way, leading into a cove. A smirk grew on his face, as he slowly descended into it, waving his hand to everyone else to follow. Athena took a deep breath as her and Finnick descended into the cove. She knew that there would be someone in there, and that they were seconds away from a very gruesome death.

The group heard distant mumbled as they went deeper ad deeper into the cove. They turned into an area, with a small pool of water, only to see the two district six tributes, sitting down, their weapons laying in the corner. Their eyes widened as the group of careers came in, looking at their prey.

"Well isn't this cosy?" Casper's eyes darkened as he got into a mood to kill.

The tributes shot up to their feet, trying to make it to their weapons, but they were given no time because Casper beat them to it. He deeply slashed the district six boy's stomach, causing him to immediately fall to the ground, struggling to get air into his lungs. The district six girl cried out as the cannon went off, before running to her sword. The female career from district one, ran over to the remaining tribute, taking out a dagger and stabbing the girl in the stomach. She doubled over in pain, but the girl from district one grabbed her by the neck, lifting up her head. Her hand moved to six's hair to keep her head up, and in one swift motion, one sliced six's neck.

After the cannon, district one carelessly dropped the lifeless body on the ground, her face contorting in disgust. "Great, she got blood all over my hands. Thanks for that." Her words laced with sarcasm, as she wiped her hands on the body's clothing.

Athena stared at the district one girl in shock after watching her inconsiderate actions. How can someone be such a terrible human being?

"Okay, let's go." She said, no emotion her voice. The rest of the group ditched the cove, beginning their next journey.


"Athena, I know what you're going to say, but we can't leave."

"Just- just promise that the minute they turn on us-"

"Not the minute. The second. The second they turn on us, I'll protect you with my life when we escape."

"Four, let's go!" Finnick sighed hearing Casper's voice.

"Come on." Finnick turned around, leaving the cove. Before following, Athena looked at the abandoned sword on the ground that belonged to the district six girl. She quickly ran to it, picking it up. As soon as her hand wrapped around the handle, she knew that was exactly where it belongs. It reminded her of home, all those times her and Finnick would venture into the woods and spar. What she would give to go back.


"Coming!" Athena grabbed the quiver, securing it on her body. She put the sword away, running to catch up with the rest of the group.

"Never thought my first kill in the Games would be so invigorating!" Casper basically yelled as they continued on a straight path through the mountains.

"You got that right!" The district one female practically jumped in the air as she relived her kill.

"These people are insane." Athena mumbled under her breath. The group stopped as they heard a snap from behind them. Before any could turn around, an arrow flew, just missing Athena's head. The group turned around, but one of the two boys had already been charging toward Athena. The other stayed put, loading another arrow and aiming towards Finnick. Athena's eyes darkened as she realized what she needed to do. Athena reached to her sword, pulling it out, waiting for the boy to reach her. Finnick charged towards the one holding a bow and arrow, fighting him off. The other careers stood behind them, watching the four tributes fight for their lives to observe what they were really like during combat. Their faces held surprise as they watched Athena deflect every blow her attacker sent to her, before she finally sent her katana through his stomach. The boy coughed, blood pouring out of his mouth. Athena took out her knife, a cannon playing throughout the arena. Seconds later, another went off as Finnick watched the boy he just finished off, drop to the ground. The two breathed heavily, before turning back to the careers.

"A little help would've been nice." Athena panted, looking over to Finnick to make sure he was okay.

"Nah, princess. You seemed to have it under control." Casper chuckled, looking at the dead bodies.

"You're such a dick." It amazed her how someone could be so void of normal human emotions and feelings.

"And don't call me princess or I'll kill you myself." Athena took Finnick's hand, continuing on the path they had been taking before.

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