chapter twelve

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Athena woke up to the Capitol music, rubbing her eyes as she looked at the sky

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Athena woke up to the Capitol music, rubbing her eyes as she looked at the sky. Finnick looked down to Athena, her head resting on his chest, before looking back to the sky.

District 3

District 5

District 6

District 6

District 8

District 10

District 11

District 11

District 12

Athena ignored the pain in her stomach as the tribute memorial ended.

"What a great way to end the first day of the Games." Casper chucked, walking over to another career to put him on watch. Athena glared at his retreating form, a yawn escaping her mouth.

"Why don't you go back to sleep?" Finnick's voice was soft as he stroked Athena's hair.

"No, you should get some sleep, Finn. You haven't gotten any yet."

"Athena, I'm fine. You need sleep, besides it's only been like an hour or two."

"Are you sure?"

"Completely. Now get some rest."

Athena hummed, her eyes fluttering shut once again.


"Rise and shine love birds!" Casper yelled, gathering his belongings. Finnick had already been awake, now yelling at Casper to shut up. Finnick watched as Athena woke up with a groan, her face scrunched up. She crawled off Finnick, following his movements to stand up. As soon as she did, however, she doubled over in pain. Finnick ran over to her, his arms wrapping around her frame.

"I forgot about that." She winced.

"Are you okay?! What can I do?!"

"Help make sure I can stand on my own." Finnick nodded, helping her stand up straight, then slowly removed his hands. Athena struggled to stay balanced, but finally managed.

"You two good?" Casper asked sarcastically, no trace of sympathy in his voice.

"Yeah." Athena glared back, picking up her things.

"Lets just go." Athena walked past Casper, sparing him no glance. Casper made a comment about cat claws, catching up with the group. As time went on, Athena trailed behind, Finnick right with her. Her wound had caught up with her. The pain and blood loss making it hard to keep up.

"Athena, maybe you should take a break."

"No, I'm fine and I don't think the careers would like it if I did." The two looked ahead of them to see the girl from district two glaring at her from ahead.

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