chapter fifteen

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Athena and Rose had been running for ages

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Athena and Rose had been running for ages. To say Athena was tired was an understatement. She had abruptly woken from her sleep while being attacked, almost got her throat slit, almost got strangled to death, and had been saved by Rose leading her to have to sprint through the arena.

"Hey, I think I found somewhere." Athena stopped in place as she narrowed her eyes. She looked at a bush that seemed to have something behind it? Maybe an opening?

Rose stopped, following her eyes. The two girls walked to the bush, pushing behind it. They mentally cheered as they realized it was a cave.

"Perfect." Rose smiled, sliding it. Athena watched as she descended into the darkness of the cave, mentally debating if this was the right idea.

Could she really trust Rose? She just flung her axe into a tribute without a second thought. Then again, it was one of the careers who was trying to kill her.

"You coming?"

Athena came out of her small trance, looking back at Rose's expecting eyes.

"Yeah." Athena slid in, following Rose through the cave. It was ginormous. It looked somewhat like the one she stayed in with the careers, except bigger. It was the perfect place for them to stay.

Rose dropped her axe, plopping to the ground, laying on her back.

"Well that was a workout."

Athena chuckled, sitting down next to her. Bringing her legs up, she wrapped her arms around them.

silence overtook them, the only thing able to be heard was their heavy and fast breaths as they let their heart rates steady.

As her breaths finally evened out, Athena disrupted the silence.


The brunette turned her head, looking at Athena. "Yeah?"

"Why did you want me as an ally? I mean you were kind of dead set on it."

Rose sighed, sitting up. "To be honest, I just really didn't want to be lonely. I mean, I envied you. You had Finnick to keep you company. Plus, you're a career. Even if you didn't have Finnick, you could have the career pack even though they're major asses. For some reason, I just knew I could trust you. From the second I saw you, I knew that I could trust you. We just connect because we're the same age and I guess I just- I saw myself in you." 

Athena looked at Rose sympathetically. She related to what Rose said. If Finnick hadn't entered the arena, she'd be utterly lost. In all honesty, Athena didn't think she'd be able to function alone in this arena. And she was glad she trusted Rose as an ally. Because without her, she knew she wouldn't survive. She needed someone. And now that someone was Rose. Not Finnick.

"I'm glad we're allies." Athena gave a toothless smile as she watched Rose do the same.

"Me too."


"Rose wake up." Athena had been on first watch after insisting to a persistent Rose. After minutes of debate, Rose finally gave in. Now, Athena shook her sleeping figure in attempt to wake her up.

"Hey, we got a sponsor, get up." Rose's eyes fluttered open, the first thing she saw was Athena's face as she awoke from her slumber.

As Athena's words sunk in her mind, her eyes widened. "We did? Already?"

Athena nodded with a grin, holding up the silver compartment with a parachute attached to it.

"Have you opened it?"

"Not yet." Rose stuck her hand out and Athena dropped the compartment onto it.

Rose wiped her eyes, then opened up the gift, picking up what was inside.

"I have no idea what this is."

"Can- can I see that? I wanna try something." Rose handed her the gift, following Athena as she left the cave.

Athena walked into the sunlight, looking around. As a tree came into sight, she walked straight towards it. She looked at the small silver tool, then back up at the tree.

"Did you bring your axe?" Athena looked behind her to Rose. She nodded, handing Athena the axe.

Sticking the tool into the tree, Athena used the but of the axe to push it far into the tree.

"I think it'll get us fresh water." The two waited patiently by the tree.

"Come on..." Rose whispered as she kept her eyes on the tool that had yet to work.

As if her words had triggered something, water began to pour out of the what Athena guessed was a spile. Athena gasped in happiness, sticking her head under the tool, collecting the water into her mouth.

Swallowing, Athena let out a sigh in content, then stepped aside for Rose to get her turn. Rose did the same, washing her face with water.

"Thank you Capitol citizens!" Rose shouted, a smile gracing her face as she drank more water.

"You want some more?" Rose asked, backing up.

Athena nodded, briefly forgetting the hell she was in as she drank the clean water.

Pulling back, she gulped. "We should head back now." Rose nodded, picking up her axe.

Athena pulled out the spile, following Rose back to the cave.

"Your turn to sleep now. I got more than enough." Rose sat down, leaning against the rock wall, holding onto her axe.

"You sure?"

"Get. Sleep." Rose chuckled, looking down.

"Okay, but wake me up if you get tired." Rose nodded, watching as Athena laid on the ground.

Rose rested her head against the rocks as she thought back to home.



"You got any siblings?" Rose drew mindless pictures in the sand.

"Yeah. A little sister. This year was her first year eligible for the Games."

"What's her name?"

"Hazel. I wonder if she's watching right now." Athena sighed, trying not to cry as she thought about her younger sibling.

"Yeah, I got one too. She's eleven. Her name is Johanna. You'd like her. She may be only eleven, but that kids gotta mouth." Rose chuckled thinking back to the times the eleven year old spit out profanities at numerous citizens back in District 7.

"I wish I could meet her." Athena chuckled.

"Maybe you will. If I don't win this thing, Athena, you better. And when you do, you find her for me, okay?"

Athena shifted, hating talking about death. "Let's not talk about that. I hate the fact that we both aren't coming out of this."

"Yeah, I know. I understand. Just promise me, Athena. Promise me you'll find her if you get out of here and be there for her. I know that is so much to ask, but at least find her for me."

"I will, Rose. I promise."

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