chapter twenty four

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  Training had gone by fast

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Training had gone by fast. This time around, Athena didn't bother holding back, considering everyone already knew what she was capable of.

The first day, Athena stayed with Finnick the whole time. They joked around by the knot station and sparing at the swords station.

The second day, Athena decided to approach Katniss. The girl from district 12 was by the knot station, trying to learn a more difficult type. Athena walked over standing next to her.

"Having trouble?" Athena said, picking up a piece of rope, beginning to do the same type Katniss was doing. She gestured to Katniss to watch.

"Yeah, harder than I thought."

"Yeah I stunk at it, but Jax taught me. Finnick insisted on it but we would've ended up screaming at each other each time I butured it."

"He's friends with Haymitch right?"

"Yeah, I've met him once or twice. Him and Jax got insanely drunk the last time they were together."

Katniss laughed, "I'm not surprised."

The girls were interrupted by Finnick as he stood next to Athena, looking down to the knot Athena had accomplished without even thinking about it, then to Katniss' which was completed, just not as perfect.

"You know, that knot's not gonna get you too far. Let me show you the best knot to know in the arena." Finnick's gaze was on Katniss as he picked up the rope and began tying. Athena rose her eyebrows as she knew exactly what type of knot he was tying the moment he started.

Katniss stared blankly at the blonde. "Don't look at me, look at the knot."

Katniss switched her gaze from Finnick to the knot repeatedly.

"Alright, this is the bit where it gets quite complicated."

As he finished tying it, he put it over his head and around his neck, then tightened the loop.

"And then this is the part they..." Finnick held up the rope as if he had hung himself, then made a face closing his eyes as if he were dead.

"Funny." Katniss wasn't amused.

"Do you wanna take me for a walk?" He asked, holding out the string to Katniss. She rolled eyes, walking away. As she did so, he looked to Athena, raising his eyebrows and holding the rope out to her.

"Thanks for that." Athena said sarcastically.


"I was trying to make allies. She needs to trust us, doofus." Athena walked away, heading over to Johanna. Finnick shrugged, putting down the rope.

Johanna and Athena were talking when they noticed Katniss step into a simulation with a bow, . Athena excused herself from the conversation, wanting to see Katniss in action.

She watched as Katniss begun, firing arrows at the orange block people as they rushed towards her.

As she continued, she began to spark interest in all of the other tributes, each making their way over to the glass. By the time she was finished, everyone stood watching her amazed, Wiress clapping.

"Good news." Haymitch approached Peeta and Katniss, a smile on his face.

"At least half of the tributes want you as an ally."

"Well, they saw her shoot." Peeta, said standing up.

"Well, sweetheart, you got your pick of the litter."

"I want Athena."

Haymitch clapped, "Excellent choice! Only, if you want Athena you get Finnick too."

"Well, I don't want Finnick."

"Sorry to break it to you, honey, but they don't split up. Package deal."

"Fine. Wiress and Beetee."

"Johanna calls them 'Nuts' and 'Volts'."

"Well, okay, good. Who else?"

"No one."

"I'll tell them you're still making up your mind."


Finnick and Athena sat next to each other in the same, grey room as they waited for their names to be called. The time for them to be scored not heir skills had already come, making Athena scoff at the thought. Before they knew it, they'd be back to their interviews with Caesar.

Finnick watched Beetee get up for his assessment, a growing smile on his face as he passed by them. Him and Athena had been playing a guessing game as to what score each tribute would receive.

"I say a seven." Athena mumbled, as he walking into the room. Finnick rose his eyebrows, "Six? Try five." He laughed.

"Combat isn't always the key to a high score, Finn."

"That's bull, you know it is." Athena just rose her eyebrows, shaking her head.

Soon enough, it was Finnick's turn. Athena watched his get up with a laugh, dusting off the bottom of his jumpsuit. As he began to walk Athena joked, "Finnick Odair... I'd say a solid four." Finnick just rolled his eyes with a striking smile, entering the room.

And then it was Athena's turn.

"District four. Athena Daverns. Report for individual assessment." Athena got up with a sigh, waiting for the electronic doors to open. She walked into the assessment room, passing by Finnick as he left, a smirk on his face.

"Miss Daverns, you have ten minutes to preform your chosen skill." Athena rolled her eyes, looking at the arrangement of weapons. She furrowed her brows as she noticed there was no katana, which they knew was her weapon of choice. They must have been trying to give her a disadvantage. Athena then noticed a normal sword, shrugging, it really was no different. She picked it up, swirling the handle around as she approached a dummy. She planned to do the same thing she did during her assessment for her games at 14. She expertly sliced up the dummy as she pictured President Snow's face. She finished by swiftly slicing the head off in one motion. She put the sword down, taking daggers and throwing all three in under ten seconds. The first went right into the forehead of a dummy, the second straight through the throat, and the third in the middle of the stomach. She then turned to the game makers and did the same thing she did all those years ago. She flipped them off. She then gave them an innocent smile, before leaving the room.

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