chapter twenty five

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  The loud music to Caesar's show blared throughout the stadium as the pink haired man entered the stage

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The loud music to Caesar's show blared throughout the stadium as the pink haired man entered the stage. There were thousands of people in the crowd, only getting louder as the bubbly Capitol man appeared his usual charisma oozing out of him. The stage was the nicest setup it's been. Red and blue lights lighting the screens that read, Third Quarter Quell with a big 75 plastered.

Caesar laughed into the mic, taking a bow. "Thank you, Thank you! Thank you for being here tonight... on the eve of the 75th Hunger Games!" He raised his hand, gathering excitement as he laughed once more.

"We have never seen anything like this and we will never see anything like this again. Because tonight, on this stage. 24 of Panem's brightest stars will vie for the ultimate crown. Tonight will be their final opportunity to express their thoughts. Our final opportunity to express our love. And heartbreakingly, to say goodbye to all but one." The mood was brought down, the crowd all expressing their "ahhs" and sad thoughts.

"What a night." He softy spoke, the mouth right in front of his mouth. "Let's here it." The once down mood, immediately transitioned into the crowd roaring with excitement as Caesar walked across the stage.

"It's so exciting!" He yelled

As Athena got ready to enter the stage, Joyce made sure her dress was all set. It was a long silver dress, that covered her feet. It sparkled in the light, and clung to every curve of her body. It was a two piece, a small amount of her stomach exposed. A sheer piece of fabric cascaded down her back, connected to her shoulder piece.

"From District four, Athena Daverns!" Before she went on stage, Joyce gave Athena a small smile. "You look beautiful darling." Athena smiled back before entering the stage she had once been on all those years ago.

"Athena!" Caesar yelled as he saw her emerge."You look stunning as always." He smiled.

"Thank you Caesar."

"I think the rest of the Capitol can agree with me when I say your story is a heartbreaking one. By some miracle during your games you died, but then your heart started again. Folks, she was in such critical condition that she had to stay here in the capitol in secret for four years, until her health returned."

Athena plastered a fake smile at their cover up story as she nodded, one that threatened her loved ones to follow.

"Tell me. What happened when you and Finnick reunited?" He held the microphone to her, waiting for her response.

"Well, as soon as I stepped out of the train, Finnick shoved through a bunch of citizens until we came face to face. He grabbed a hold of me, kissed me, and we hugged for awhile." She brought her hand up to move piece of hair behind her ear as Caesar went on how adorable their reunion was. He abruptly stopped talking as he noticed something, when she moved her hair.

"Hold on a second. Folks, is that an engagement ring I see?" Athena's fake smile grew as she looked down to the ring Finnick had given to her when he proposed.

Athena forced out a laugh, "Actually, it is. Finnick proposed a few months ago but we never announced it. We were waiting until we had a set wedding date." The crowd erupted in screams as they realized the Capitol's sweethearts were engaged.

"Am I hearing this correctly?!" Caesar turned to the crowd, getting them more hyped. As the audience quieted down, he turned back to Athena.

"I'm sorry you didn't get to your wedding."

"Me too, Caesar." She sadly smiled.

"Give it up for District four, Athena Daverns!" Caesar turned back to the audience. Athena gave one last smile, before walking off the stage.

Athena passed by Finnick as he was then called out. She noticed something off about him as he took strides towards the stage. She grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Finnick, what are you about to do?" She grew nervous as his look of determination bore into her soul.

"Stirring the pot." He then got himself out of Athena's grasp and walked onto the stage. As soon as he hit the lights, his face morphed into a fake smirk, his eyes showing seduction.

As he stood next to Caesar, the pink haired man began, "Finnick... I understand that you have a message for somebody out there. A special somebody." Finnick smirk let out a chuckle as he looked down.

"Can we hear it?" Caesar stood out the microphone, knowing fully well it wasn't a question. Athena watched the screen from backstage, her stomach churring in anticipation and nerves.

"My love, you have my heart for all eternity and if... if I die in that arena, my last though will be of your lips." He looked directly at the camera in silence before continuing.

"And to my five year old son, Jax-" Every single person in the crowd gasped, his five words coming to a huge shock to everyone, causing them to go ballistic. People swore as they stood up from their seats, others finding the whole situation entertaining. There were also a few yelling about how the citizens should've known and cursing the gossip magazines and shows for not informing them.

"If me or you mother, Athena, do not return home to you, we love you with all of hearts. Your uncle Jax will take care of you." Finnick wiped the tear that fell from his eyes. Caesar looked in shock at everyone in the audience.

"Thank you, Finnick." He said with wide eyes. The blonde nodded, leaving the stage, smirking as he listened to Caesar trying to tame the audience.

As soon as he was no longer on the stage, Athena grabbed Finnick, pushing his against the wall.

"Finnick, what the hell was that? You just put our only son in danger!" Finnick tried to soothe his fiancé to no avail.

"I had to do it!" Jax came over, prying Athena away from him.

"Athena, it was a good idea. He got the crowd angry for taking a child's parents away from him. You guys have to do everything you can." Athena's yells of anger calmed down into whimpering.

"If something happens to our son Finnick-" Finnick took Athena from Jax, one of the most influential people in their lives, wrapping his arms around her.

"Nothing will, Athena. He'll be okay." He kissed her forehead, as he squeezed her tighter, hoping that the words he spoke were true.

After Athena had managed to stop crying, the two district four tributes went to stand back on stage, while the others completed their interviews. After announcing that Katniss was pregnant, the final tribute, Peeta, joined them on stage. Athena figured he was doing anything he could to stop the games, admiring his effort.

As the crowd was in an outrage, each tribute began to hold the hand to those beside them. Athena looked down as Finnick's hand found it's way into hers. They then all rose their arms to signify a union, pissing off the Capitol workers. Athena smirked as she watched Caesar try to gain composure and shut the whole thing down, finally motioning to cut it off.

The lights to the stage turned off, leaving Finnick and Athena to smirk in triumph.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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