chapter twenty one

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Today was a special day

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Today was a special day. Today President Snow would announce the theme of this years Quarter Quell. It was mandatory that everyone watched, which lead to Athena and Finnick sitting on their couch, awaiting the announcement.

Finally, their tv turned to the President as he walked up to the podium. Athena played with Finnick's hand as he began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the 75th year of The Hunger Games. And it was written in the charter of the Games that every 25 years there would be a Quarter Quell to keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprisings against the Capitol. Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by Games of a special significance. And now on this the 75th anniversary of the defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the third Quarter Quell." The President waited for the crowd to stop cheering to pick up the notecard.

"As a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, on this the third Quarter Quell of the Games, the male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victors in each district. Victors shall present themselves on Reaping Day. Regardless of age, state of health, or situation."

Athena froze in place. The words seemed to have a hard time catching up to her, but when they did, she nearly lost it. Finnick's face contorted in anger, as he stood up, yelling at the tv. Athena blocked it all out. In fact, she couldn't hear a thing. She rushed out of the room and ran as far as she could before dropping to the ground. Tears streamed down her face in a rapid motion, her breathing uneven. She thought all of the torturing from the Capitol was over. She thought Finnick was done being taken advantage of. She thought her small family was safe.

And then Athena came to a realization. President Snow was going to rig the reaping. There was no doubt in her mind that her name would be called because she cheat the system. The ultimate punishment.

Finnick turned to the little boy that sat on their couch. "Jax, come here." He knelled down, grabbing his shoulders. The boy look scared and traumatized from seeing the two adults rage out. He was five years old, but he knew what was going on. And he was terrified.

"Jax, go to Mags house, okay? I'll come get you as soon as I can." The little boy nodded, running out the door and to the house he was all too familiar with.

Finnick rushed out next, running through the district to find his soon to be wife. As he ran, he thought back to their engagement. That was a simpler time.

"Just a little longer." Finnick had put a blindfold over Athena's eyes as they walked, wanting everything to be a surprise.

"Why do I feel like you're just going to walk me into something?"

"I'm not, I promise." He chuckled.

"Where are we going?"

"Athena, you asked that question 100 times and I didn't answer. Why would I now?"

Athena groaned, "I hate surprises. You know that."

"Yeah, A. I do. We're almost there, though."

Finnick walked down the pathway, finally reaching the place he set up specifically for her.

"Alright, stop right here." Athena did what he said, opening and closing her fist in anticipation. Finnick untied the blindfolded, dropping it to the ground.

Athena's eyes widened as she took in what was in front of her. They stood at an empty beach, the waves rolling onto the sand at a perfect rate. Red petals were spread all over the sand, the sunset making the whole scene look unreal and more like a painting made by a skilled artist.

"Finnick, what is all of this?"

"Well..." Finnick grabbed her hand, bringing her to the center of the beach. When her stopped, he knelt down on one knee, keeping a hold of her hand.

"Oh my god."

"Athena, we have been together for 11 years and before that we were best friends, well we still are. I have loved you since the minute I laid my eyes on you, Athena. Even when were were apart, I had no eyes for any other woman. When I thought you died, I felt like someone ripped out a huge chunk of my heart that could never be replaced. But it was when you came back. The minute you jumped into my arms, it was as if someone stuck it back. Athena, you are the love of my life and my only dream is to get married and have more kids with you. Athena Daverns, will you marry me?" Finnick took out a beautiful diamond ring, holding it up.

By this point, Athena had tears of happiness falling down her porcelain cheeks. A huge grin overtook her face as she began to violently nod.

"Yes. Yes, I'd love to be your wife Finnick Odair." 

Finnick smiled, standing up. He slid the ring onto her left ring finger. Athena grabbed Finnick's face, smashing their lips together. As they pulled apart, Finnick grabbed Athena's waist, hoisting her in the air. Athena squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck as he spun her around.

Finally, Finnick made his way to the beach, seeing Athena collapsed on the sand, on the verge of a panic attack.

He sprinted over to her, grabbed her, and brought her right into his arms. Her breathing began to steady, however, her tears all continued. She clung to him for dear life as he did the same to her. Tears began to sneak out of his eyes, seeing his fiancé in this state.

"Finnick, there are going to send me back. There's no way any name other than mine is being called."

"You don't know that."

"Yes, Finn, I do. Because of what happened last time. I wasn't supposed to come out. I know for a fact they're rigging it." Athena began to sob harder, making Finnick's heart melt.

"I can't go back, Finnick. After four years of pain because of them, I can't."

Finnick began to cry, gripping her harder.

"I know, baby. I know."

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