chapter seventeen

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Athena couldn't seem to get over Rose's death

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Athena couldn't seem to get over Rose's death. The moment played over on loop inside of her head and every time she pictured the final cannon going off signaling her friend's death, she'd jump back into reality. Athena wiped away the few tears that had managed to slip out, continuing to run down the endless path between mountains as the arena grew dark.

Minutes past, and Athena was still going in and out of a trance. She didn't even realize it had become pitch black. That is until an javelin shot past her. Athena gasped, looking behind her to see a blonde boy from District 10 running towards her, a knife in his hand where the javelin once was. Athena thought back to the event that took place only mere hours ago. Her heart rate picked up as she continued to think about the arrow that had been thrown in her direction, killing her friend. Athena began to hyperventilate as her heart rate continued to pick up. All the running she had done and being on the verge o a panic attack had a severe effect on it. Athena's feet began sprinting once more, bringing her at an ungodly pace. She sprinted through the mountains for ages, not looking back once. She didn't have it in her to fight the boy from District 10. She knew that she wasn't in the right state for contact because she would surely lose.

After what seemed like forever, a cannon echoed through the arena. Athena stopped, looking behind her. The tribute had disappeared and Athena couldn't help but think that it was her who died. Her thoughts were cut off when a wave of nausea came over her. Athena's head began to feel like it was spinning, causing her to lose her balance. Athena's eyes began to see black spots, her head now pounding.

Everything seemed to stop as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she fell to the ground. Her heart had stopped.

Back in the game maker room, Seneca grew interested, his hand finding the stubble across his chin and jawline.

"What happened to 4?"

"Her heart stopped from Tackycardia, sir. It's when your heart suddenly starts beating really fast. It sent her into cardiac arrest."

The game maker made sure her heart had fully stopped, setting off her canon. 

Finnick felt a pain in his stomach as the cannon echoed through the arena. Something felt off about this one to him and he immediately grew nervous for Athena's state. He hoped she was okay. He knew she could take care of herself just fine, but he couldn't help but wonder if it was her.

Determined to make sure she was okay, Finnick picked up his trident and got up, prepared to search the whole arena.

"Play the memorial." Seneca looked over one of the game makers, watching as he played the memorial on the sky.

Hearing the Capitol anthem, Finnick stopped in his place and looked up to the pitch black sky, different tribute faces being displayed.

District 10

District 7

District 3

District 4

Finnick froze. He felt like he was going to die. His expression was blank as he stared up at the sky devoid of color because of the memorial. He then contorted into a mixture of anger and sadness. Tears streamed down his face as he let out a loud scream so loud the remaining tributes heard. He threw his trident to the ground, punching a tree until blood surfaced onto his knuckles. When his adrenaline diminished, he stopped in place. His forehead resting against the bark of the tree as uncontrollable sobs escaped his mouth. Finnick lost control of his breathing and sunk to the ground, now resting on his knees.

The tears stained his dirt covered face as he reveled in the fact Athena was gone.

Seneca Crane stopped in his place as he watched the hologram in the middle of the room. The girl from District 4, who died from her heart stopping, was no longer dead. The room went silent as her heart began to slowly beat again. His eyes widened as he stared at the middle.

"What's going on?! She died."

"It's extremely rare considering she was untouched but it seems as if her heart has started to beat again. This can happened, but it almost never does."

"But we already did her cannon and memorial!" Seneca was at a loss of words as he went over the situation.

"Get her out of there. Now." One of the game makers sent a aircraft in her direction, as Seneca left to talk to President Snow.

"Sir, we have a problem." President Snow turned to the head game maker.

"Whats going on?" After explaining the situation, Snow cane to a decision.

"Is she here?" Seneca nodded, bringing the President to a secluded room, where she laid unconscious.

"What we'll do is keep her here, say 4 years. Then, we'll release her to District 4 to show we aren't the enemy. But this is the only time. If this ever happens again, we kill them."

"What do you suggest we do with her until she's released?"

"Be creative. Torture, jabber jays. Show her that cheating our rules is not something we take lightly." President Snow left the room, returning to his spot, watching how the rest of the Games played out.

Seneca instructed the two guards standing by the door to bring her to an empty room, locking her there.

Seneca watched Athens through the video camera in the room. When she woke up, she began to tremble as she didn't know where she was.

He had a guard unlock the door for him as he walked in.

"Miss Athens Daverns. Do you have any idea the trouble you've caused?" The first shook her head, crawling into the corner.

"You died. And that put me in a real tough position. I'm sure I'll never hear the end of my mistake of your state. Somehow, your heart began to beat again and that put me in a two situation considering we already played you cannon and memorial. So, President Snow came up with the brilliant idea to keep you here to remind you that we don't like it when people disregard our rules. I hope you enjoy your stay here for the next four years." Seneca left the room, having the guard lock the door on the way out, leaving a crying Athena.

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