chapter six

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Finnick and Athena walked into the training center side by side, scanning the room

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Finnick and Athena walked into the training center side by side, scanning the room. Athena's nerves grew as she watched everyone around her. Some of the tributes were vicious, that she could tell by just watching their actions. Her heart sank as she saw two 12 year olds. Athena was jumped into reality as she saw them, and I thought I was too young.

As Athena looked around, her gaze landed on the district one tribute from the other day. He glared at her, looking at her up and down as if she was fresh meat and he was the apex predator. To be honest, he kind of was.

"Finnick." She mumbled, never looking away from the tribute.

Finnick didn't respond, too busy looking for a Trident station, and to his disappointment, there wasn't one.

"Finnick." She mumbled again, a bit louder.

Before he could respond, they were interrupted by a female voice, rounding up all the tributes.

Finnick and Athena approached the woman, joining the crowd that formed involving the 24 tributes.

"In two weeks, 23 of you will be dead. One of you will be alive. Who that is depends on how well you pay attention over the next four days, particularly what I'm about to say. First, no fighting with other tributes. You'll have plenty of time for that in the Arena. There are four compulsory exercises. The rest will be individual training. My advice is don't ignore the survival skills. Everybody wants to grab a sword, but most of you will die from natural causes. 10% from infection, 20% from dehydration. Exposure can kill as easily as a knife. "

Everyone went right down to business after that. People swarmed to different stations, trying to either show of what they got, or keep it contained. She supposed the tributes of districts one and two had no need of containing their skills, every year tributes from those two districts were incredibly vicious. Everyone already knew that they would be big competition.

Athena watched as the tribute who had been glaring at her earlier, picked up throwing knives. He walked over to one of the targets that resembled a person, slightly bouncing as he got ready to show off to those around him. Once he decided he was ready, he threw the knives at the target at a rapid pace. He grunted with each throw, making sure each was laced with precision. Finishing, he took deep breaths and smirked as he admired his work. Two of the knives landed in the middle of the "stomach" and the other two were right in what would be someone's forehead.

Athena noticed Finnick had disappeared from her side and she frowned in disappointment. She scanned the room, finding him at the spear section. He figured because there were no tridents, a spear would be the best replacement. He picked up a spear, twirling it in his hand. He slowly looked up to the target, making sure he was at a good distance away from it. He twirled the spear in his hand once more, then got into a ready stance. Finally, he threw the spear at the target, it landing right in the forehead. He picked up another spear, doing the same thing as before. Only this time, the spear landing perfectly in the middle of the stomach.

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