chapter sixteen

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Rose looked at Athena, before standing up, and walking to the edge of the cave

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Rose looked at Athena, before standing up, and walking to the edge of the cave. The sun had fully risen, and no tributes were in sight. Walking back in, she shook Athena.

"Hey, we should get going." Athena, eyes still closed, nodded. Sighing, Athena stood up, grabbing her sword.

"I can catch us some fish. Not the ideal breakfast, but it'll have to do." Athena walked out of the cave, Rose right next to her.

"Anything special you wanna do today? Maybe track down Finnick?" Rose asked, gripping her axe in case any tribute snuck up on them.

"He can handle himself. Did you see the memorial last night?"

"Yeah. There's only six of us left. Me, you, Finnick, Casper, the girl from District 10, and the girl from District 3."

"It's only a matter of time until the game makers drive us all together." Athena dreaded the final point in the Games in which they'd be driven together, whether it be by mutations, fire, or some type of poison and the outcome will be deadly. Literally.

"I'm not ready for that." Rose sighed, shaking her head.

The two walked along the path, making mindless chatter to distract from their situation.

As they reached the pond, Athena instructed Rose to sit down as she caught a fish. Wiping her forehead, she walked out of the pond and back to Rose.

"There was literally no fish in there. It took me forever just to find this small thing." Rose looked at the dead fish in Athena's hands, then back to her face.

"Do you think that means something?"

Athena nodded, "I think the game makers are telling us they want this wrapped up." Athena looked down to the fish, sighing. The end was coming and no one knew what was in store.

"We can do what me and Finnick always did. Set a decoy fire, flee, and set another fire to cook the fish. Then we just find a place to eat it." Rose nodded, standing up.

"Sounds good to me." So they did just that. They set a decoy, made another, then found the perfect place to sit and eat.

"If one of us doesn't, who do you think will win?" Rose asked, taking a bite of her half of fish.

"I may be biased, but Finnick. He needs to." Rose looked up, still chewing on her fish.

"I think so too. He's just as strong as Casper but he's way smarter. And he doesn't have to worry about 3 and 10."

"God, if Casper wins..." Athena trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence. She knew people from his District were watching. After his District partner was brutally murdered by her alliance, she knew it would only cause trouble to finish that sentence.

"It's either going to be me, you, or Finnick." Rose assured.

"I hope you're right."

"Do you wanna go to the Cornucopia?" Rose asked as she finished her fish, throwing the bone into the trees surrounding them.

"Rose, you know that's where the careers are most likely gathered."

"Except there's only one career left, besides you and Finnick, and I doubt Casper would hang out at the Cornucopia when there's only six of us left and one of him." She had a point.

"I guess we could go. But what would we really need there?  You have your axe and I have my daggers and katana."

"Well, for starters, you need more daggers. But we could also gather some food so we don't have to risk walking to the pond as often. This way we can stay hidden with any food we pick up there."

Athena nodded, standing up. "Well, let's go then." They both picked up their weapons, heading in the direction of the Cornucopia.

As they reached the tall silver structure, they looked around. No tributes were in sight.

"Cover me, alright?" Athena instructed Rose, causing her to nod. Then at once, they sprinted over, Rose trailing back so she could keep an eye on every direction.

Meanwhile, Athena went deep into the structure, finding a box of untouched daggers. She took out the daggers, placing them into her jacket. Going in deeper, she found a bag of fruit, picking it up. The Cornucopia was near empty, supplies thrown all around the place due to the fighting tributes. Anything else was either broken, or hard to find. The careers must've cleaned out the rest. Once Athena figured she got enough, she exited the Cornucopia, meeting back up with Rose.

"All clear?"

"Yep." The two made their way back into the woods, however something unexpected happened. As soon as Athena stepped into the woods, an arrow shot past her head. Luckily, it missed, allowing Athena to reach into her jacket and grab a dagger. Before the girl could shoot her reloaded arrow, Athena had thrown her dagger, it landing right in her heart, The girl's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she fell to the ground, dead.

As the cannon fired, Athena sighed, looking behind her. However, what she saw tore her apart. Rose lost her balance as she tried to get the arrow from out of her. It had been shot right under her heart. Athena shot to the ground, propping Rose against herself, her hands finding Rose's cheeks.

"Hey, it's okay. You'll be okay."

Rose shook her head coughing on blood as tears formed in her eyes.

"No, I'm gonna die, Athena."

"Hey! You do not get to die on me, alright?"

Rose gave her new friend a knowing look, "Athena, i'm literally seconds from death."

"No, no, no, no." Athena choked on a sob as she watched the one friend she made wither away.

"Remember our promise. You're gonna win. You have to. And when you do, find my sister, okay? Find her. Johanna Mason. You'll get along just fine. You- you'll like her." Rose took one last breath, finally letting the darkness engulf her.

"Rose?" Hearing no response, Athena repeated her name. "Rose..."

Athena wrapped her arms around the lifeless frame of Rose, crying into her shoulder.

And just like that, Athena was facing her worst fear in the arena.

Being alone.

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