chapter eighteen

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4 years later

Athena was crawled up in the corner of her room, trembling. This has been something she's done whenever she was alone and they decided they had done enough torturing for the day. She's done this for the past four years.

She mindless traced some of the many bruises on her arm that was shaded with shades of dark purple and brown.

She shuttered as she thought back to everything inflicted onto her thanks to President Snow. She had been tortured by mocking jays who mimicked Rose and Finnick's voice, screaming for help, they had burned her, and beat her, but that was just the top of the list. At least they had the decency to tell her Finnick had won the 65th Hunger Games all those years ago. He was alive, and that was the only thing getting her through the pain.

Athena's head shot up to the sound of the door being ripped open, a man in all white walking in. Athena violently shook her head, backing as far as she could into the wall.

"No. Please. I've already gone today." Tears streamed out of her face as the man took a shot and stuck it into her neck, pushing the liquid into her system. Immediately, her eyes became heavy as she fell into a deep sleep.


Athena woke up face down on a metal table, her clothes stripped. Her eyes widened as she frantically did her best to look around. This wasn't where they usually took her.

"Shhh. Relax." Athena furrowed her eyebrows at the voice, then recognized the voice to be one of the members of her prep team.

"What- What's going on?"

"They're releasing you. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry for what they've done to you." The woman's eyes trailed over her body, taking in the numerous bruises and injuries.

"I had no idea you were still alive."

"I- I'm going home?" Athena's voice was frail as she relished in the fact she'd be able to see Finnick again.

"Yeah. But first I'm going to make you look your best for the ceremony."


"Yeah, President Snow wants you looking your best for when he gives you back to District 4. I'm going to fix you up."

Athena stayed still as she was hosed down for the first time in years. After washing her body, the woman applied a cold cream to her body and she shuttered in delight when it touched each one of her bruises.

Her legs were waxed, along with her bikini area, arms, upper lip, and between her eyebrows.

After being waxed in any place necessary, her hair was washed deeply considering it was insanely greasy and dirty from not coming close to a shower in the past four years.

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