chapter four

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Finnick's jaw dropped as he watched Athena walk out next to her stylist Joyce

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Finnick's jaw dropped as he watched Athena walk out next to her stylist Joyce. He had been distracted by the bright and outrageous costumes the other tributes wore, but when he saw her- it was like she was the only girl in the room.

His stylist had dressed him in a fishnet wrapped around his waist, another over his shoulders. Around his neck was a small pearl necklace.

As Athena grew closer, he took in what hr stylist had picked for her. On her arms, right below her shoulders, were gold cutlets with fabric attached to it. The fabric was a light blue shade, which faded into white. The fabric ended right below her feet which were in gold heels. They put her in a white two part dress that looked like the fabric falling rom her shoulders, ending at the same place. The top part ended a little above half way up her stomach. The second piece was basically a skirt. However, one the bottom piece was a fishnet that wrapped around it. Around her forehead were pearls identical to the ones around his neck. Finally, her brunette hair fell down her back in loose curls. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Some may say this pice was too mature for her age, but this was the capitol after all.

She smiled at Finnick, stopping in front of him. "Wow, Athena. You clean up nice." Athena blushed looking to Joyce as she came next to them.

"Let's get you two in you carriage, shall we?"

The two got secured in their designated cart, Joyce rushing behind Athena to fix her dress, making sure it all looked perfect. She quickly adjusted her hair, before smirking.

"Give 'em a show." Athena smiled back at her stylist, watching as she exited her chariot. Soon, the district one's chariot began moving, starting the parade. Since they were district four, it did not take long for them to be moving as well.

The crowd all rose to their feet, cheering at screaming as each district appeared one by one for them to see.

"Well let's give them a show." Finnick whispered into her ear. Before she knew it, his arm was around her waist. Using his free hand, he waved to the capitol citizens in the stands, a large fake smile on his face.

Athena followed his lead, a grin replacing her previous expression, as she lifted her arm and waved at all in the stands.

Finnick took Athena by surprise by kissing her on the cheek. As soon as his lips touched her skin, the crowd erupted in madness. Cheers increased and people fawned over the young and in love district four tributes.

His lips lingered on her cheek, before pulling away and giving her a loving glance.

"They love this, keep it up." He spoke without moving his lips. Athena gave him a returning look filled with love and adoration. She fake laughed playing along.

Their carriage slowly came to a stop as they reached the end of the track. Everyones attention diverted to President Snow once hearing him begin his annual speech.

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