chapter eight

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"Why are there rumors going around that you flipped off the game makers?!" Octavia's high voice screeched throughout the whole room; the sound of her clicking heels grew louder as she grew closer to Athena and Finnick who sat on a couch across fro...

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"Why are there rumors going around that you flipped off the game makers?!" Octavia's high voice screeched throughout the whole room; the sound of her clicking heels grew louder as she grew closer to Athena and Finnick who sat on a couch across from a huge flatscreen tv.

Both fourteen year old turned and watched as the pale woman stopped in front of them, her eyebrows raised and a scowl evident.

"Cause I did?" Athena aid nonchalantly, shrugging.

"Are you kidding me, Athena? you can't just do that!"

"Well, it's a shame I did then."

"Athena Daverns!"

"Sorry, Octavia. I didn't think anyone was looking at me, someone must have saw."   

"Don't pull that again." Octavia pointed at Athena, until everyone's attention went to the tv as it started playing music.

Octavia walked to behind the couch, resting her hands on the top. Jax and Mags had taken spots next to the teens after hearing the music begin.

"As you know... tributes were rated on a scale of 1 to 12 after three days of careful evaluation. The Gamemakers would like to acknowledge that it was an exceptional group of tributes..."

The tributes and their team waited anxiously for him to get to their district. They were fourth on the list, so it really did not take too long, but for them it did.

"From District 4, Finnick Odair, with a score of 9." Octavia stood tall, her hand that had found a drink, raising into the air, it's alcohol spilling everywhere.

"That's my tribute! Yes, Finnick!" Joyce walked in, congratulating the boy.

"And onto District 4, Athena Daverns with a score of 8." Athena furrowed her eyebrows, looking over at Jax. Sure she tried harder than she intended to in the first place, but she certainly did not expect a high number like 8. She didn't try that hard.

"That's good! We can take it! Look at my tributes! They're already succeeding!" Octavia walked to the center of the circle of chairs, her glass raised.

"To the amazing District 4 tributes!" Jax and Joyce walked over to Octavia, clinking their glasses together with smiles.

Jax came back over to Athena, taking a close seat next to her, so the others wouldn't hear.

"I thought you weren't gonna try?"

"I didn't. I mean, yeah I did a bit because I was pissed, but I didn't try too much. I didn't think I deserved an eight."

"Well, this means that you're better than you think. Which gives me reassurance that I'm betting on the right person." Jax joked, causing Athena to chuckle.

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