chapter seven

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After the second day of training, Athena sat on her bed in silence the same way she had multiple times already

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After the second day of training, Athena sat on her bed in silence the same way she had multiple times already.

She thought back to her day of training. Athena had spent the whole duration watching over the other tributes, observing their strengths and what weaknesses were displayed. She picked up on many. She took an interest on the district one and two tributes, however. They were ruthless. Each moment of training, they were aggressively showing off. They'd throw knives, start fights with innocent tributes, and destroying the practice dummies. Although, she did notice one weakness. They came from wealthy districts, though she did as well. Because of this, they had been fed well their entire lives. So, they may be buff and hostile, but they have a huge risk of starvation in the games because none of them are fit to be hungry for days; unlike tributes from the districts that are currently being starved.

Once training had been completed, Jax met up with Athena like he did the day before. Both days, her and Jax discussed what she had picked up that day. They'd decipher each tribute together while Finnick met up with Mags, who gave him advice of her own.

Athena looked to her door, hearing it open. Finnick gave a toothless smile, "Dinner." He held out his hand, waiting for Athena to get up and take it. She nodded, standing up and letting him lead her to the table Octavia, Jax, and Mags sat at.

They took their usual seats, silently gathering food.

"Do you two know what careers are?" Jax asked, slicing himself a piece of pie.

"Sort of."

"Districts one, two, and four. The tributes that come from wealthy districts, so you two are careers. Each year there is a career alliance, so they my approach you asking to join. My suggestion, don't join. You may make it far with them by your side, but when it comes down to it, they'll viciously attack you. Trust me." Jax thought back to his games. He started in the alliance, but over the course of the games, he realized he needed to get away from them which is exactly what he did. At the end of the games, he watched as they all attacked each other ruthlessly.

Finnick kept his mouth shut, not telling Jax about his agreement with Casper.

"You two have individual training tomorrow, you know what you're doing?"

"I think so." Athena looked down, tapping the chicken on her plate with her fork.


"Yeah, I'm gonna tie some knots then use my trident." Jax nodded, observing the two teens, whose faces wore glum expressions.

"Look, we're getting lose to the actual games, these last days you need to prepare yourselves, got it?"

The two nodded, exchanging looks with Jax.

That night, Athena and Finnick laid in bed in each others arms, awake. Athena's head laid on his chest, Finnick's arms wrapped around her. His fingers ran through Athena's hair, brushing out all of the knots. Finnick looked down at her, kissing the top of her head.

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