Chapter Sixteen

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"Bottom line, we need to keep Kai alive."

"Agreed. And I might have an idea where he is." I barged into the room with a wide smile and my hands on my hips. "Happy Holidays, Adam and Eve."

"How are we supposed to trust you after all that you've done?" Tyler glared at me, "You helped Kai in trying to hurt Liv and made me think that I was dying." Each word he said had anger dripping from it.

I rolled my eyes with a laugh, "Gosh, are we still on that? Look it may seem like I'm evil for helping Kai but I play for both teams. Besides, it may be hard to believe, but I actually like bitchy Barbie and her nice twin brother so.. tell me what you've got." I flopped down on the couch next to Luke.

"You think I'm gonna protect the guy who chased us around the house with a baseball bat when we were 4?" Luke asked, upset. I sighed and rested my feet on his lap and my back was rested on the arm of the couch.

"Luke's right, you guys. You're on some serious crack." Liv agreed with a nod glancing between Tyler and I.

"If I'm not mistaken here you two are stuck doing the twin merge for your coven meaning one lives, one dies. If we help Kai and find a way to merge with Jo, it's not your problem anymore." I shrugged and pointed between the two. I liked Jo, but I'd do anything to protect Kai.

"Until Kai becomes the most powerful witch in our coven and goes on a killing spree." Luke snapped at me. "Something tells me that's gonna become our problem."

"Is that really such a bad thing?" I debated holding up both of my hands, pretending I was balancing the odds.

"What does he want us to do, exactly?" Liv stepped into the conversation, ignoring Luke's objections.

"Kai said Jo hid her magic in a knife somewhere." Tyler said.

"It's probably back in Portland where she got rid of it in 1994." Liv suggested and I groaned throwing my head back.

Everyone looked at me with confused expressions. "Not exactly, wonder twin. Alaric has it. I just don't know where it is." I sighed.

"So, let me guess, Kai wants us to do a locater spell on the knife?" Liv said with annoyance in her voice.

"If we find it, Jo can get her magic back, Kai can merge with her, and you and Luke live." Tyler informed waiting for a reaction out of any of us.

"This is ridiculous." Luke stood up making me frown when my feet slid off his lap. "This is our job. Merging is our duty to the coven. It's why we were born."

"No, we were born because our coven decided that Jo wasn't strong enough to beat Kai. Why should we have to die because our sister's too weak to defeat our psychopath of a brother?" Liv argued with Luke, making a fair point.

"You know, a month ago, the thought of bowing out never even occurred to you."

"That's because Kai wasn't here a month ago. But he's here now. Luke, we don't have to do this. We have a chance to live out normal, human lives. We can actually be happy."


"I know I tried to kill you as toddlers.." Kai trailed off as he examined the knife with a satisfied look, "but I gotta say it sure is nice to be around family for the holidays." He turned around with a smirk.

"Nayeli helped." Luke mumbled and glanced over at me.

I smiled and placed my hand over my heart as if I were being humble. "Guilty as charged."

"That's my girl." Kai winked and walked out of the small building with Luke and Liv following but I decided to stay in here.

I paced around the small room running my hands over the cold stone walls as Jo slowly regained her consciousness.

I heard the rattle of chains before she gasped, noticing my presence. "Nayeli, you're here. Great. Get me out of here." She begged.

I turned around and crossed my arms, "Yea, I can't do that Jo." I shook my head.

"What?" She asked confused, "Why not?"

I bent down so that I was at her level. "Because, Josette, it's not fair that Liv and Luke should do the merge just because you're too pathetic and weak to do it yourself."

Her eyes widened as she only grew more confused. "Hey! What did you do to me!" She yelled so that Kai could here her, making me roll my eyes.

"God you're so pathetic." I stood up as Kai, Luke, and Liv walked into the premises.

 "What did you guys do?" Jo looked up sadly at the twins whilst pulling at the chains she was tied down to.

"What you should've done 18 years ago." Liv responded.

I zoned out until I heard Jo scream and I saw a knife plunged into her arm. I wasn't surprised, to say the least. Just caught off guard. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Trying to restore Jo.." Kao stabbed her in the same spot once more, "with her magic."

"Enough." Luke laid his hands on Kai's shoulder but Kai was quick to retaliate. He pinned Luke against the wall, holding the knife to his neck.

"Stop," Jo interrupted the two, "Putting my magic away was my choice. Taking it back is also my choice. Unless, I bleed to death which will happen in the next 30 minutes." She chuckled.

Kai turned to Liv, "I'm going to find a bandage while you figure out how to put the magic in this knife into our sister. Preferably by the time I get back, so I don't have to dull it by slitting your throat." He threatened her before taking my hand and leading me out the building.

"You're not actually going to kill her, right?" I asked Kai as soon as we stepped out.

"Do you want my true answer, or the answer you want to hear?" He turned to face me, still holding my hand.

I shook my head, forgetting my question. "Neither."

His expressionless face turned into a grin when he pulled me closer. "You know, Nayeli, you're kind of hot when you're all evil and doing me favors." He winked.

"Hm, good to know. Although, hate to break it to you Parker, I'm not evil." I smirked.

He smiled, "Well I guess I better try harder then."

"All that hard work will be for nothing. I'm not changing." I shook my head and placed my hand on his chest.

"Oh, you're breaking my heart." He fake pouted.

"Then let me fix it." I said before leaning up and kissing him. He mentally debated with himself before kissing me back and placing his hand on my waist.

"Aw! How romantic!" Damon teased before pretending to barf. I separated myself from Kai, rolling my eyes. "The cemetery? Really?"

"Motis." Kai chanted, sending Damon over the border and Damon yelled in pain before managing to step back in the borders.

"Oh, whoops." Kai walked to the other side of the line. "Looks like you found the anti-magic border. I drew a line in the dirt for everyone's convenience. See? You're welcome." Kai smiled and traced the line with is foot.

Alaric appeared suddenly and held a gun to Kai's head. I widened my eyes in fear. "Don't!" I yelled, along with another voice.

Jo ran out of the building and appeared next to me.

"She's lightheaded and confused and Nayeli's in love with the bastard. Kill him." Damon ordered Alaric.

"Don't do it, Ric, or I swear to god I'll kill you." I warned him with a glare in my eyes.

Jo held her bloody arm, "If Kai dies, Liv and Luke have to do the merge. It's not fair to them."

"Who cares?" Damon scoffed with his hands in the air, "Kill him."

Alaric cocked his gun, ready to pull the trigger. "Ric don't"

"I can win, I can beat Kai." Jo nodded, believing I herself. "I just need a little time."

I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. I don't hate Jo, but there's no way she can beat Kai.

"We're moved. Truly. Kill him. Now." Damon glared at Alaric.

Alaric hit him on the side of his head with the gun.

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