Chapter Thirty

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"For the record, I'm not doing this for any of you." I informed the two standing before me. "I'm only doing this so those wannabe me's stay the hell out of my town." I set the record straight.

Bonnie and Damon exchanged looks before Bonnie nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. "Right. We're doing this because Damon promised his mother we'd help her get her new friends out of the prison world." Bonnie glared at Damon and crossed her arms.

Damon rolled his eyes, "I didn't know what they were capable of, but I do now. And because of this Lily's going to come looking for you, Bonnie, to do the spell to open the door to 1903. Until then, we need to stall her."

"How the hell do we do that?" Bonnie rose her eyebrows waiting for Damon to respond. Though it was clear he didn't exactly have the perfect solution.

I stepped forward, sighing, "Until we figure out how to distract her I know something that might help." The both of them turned to me, waiting for me to finish. "I can do a spell that will keep Bonnie hidden. If Lily tries to use something of hers to find her, she'd hit a dead end."

Bonnie agreed, holding out her hands for me to take. I glanced at them, not wanting to accept them but I knew I had to in order for the spell to work. I involuntarily placed my hands in hers before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath and chanting, "Kembe Po transi."

I slowly opened my eyes, Bonnie doing the same. She looked down at our hands and I quickly pulled them away, forgetting they were still together. I looked away and cleared my throat, "It's done. Lily shouldn't be able to track or find you. However, if you two are in the same room it won't make you invisible." I informed.

"Thank you, Nayeli." Bonnie said genuinely with a half smile.

"Don't mention it." I ignored her thanks and quickly made my way out of Bonnie's dorm.


I wandered around the Salvatore house, almost having gone in every room searching for the ascendant. My phone vibrated in my pocket indicating that somebody was calling me. I pulled the device from my pocket and answered the call, placing my cell to my ear. "Yes, Donovan?"

"Can I assume that the woman who looks like she's never been in a restaurant before is your lunch date?" He asked me, referring to Lily.

"Lovely. She's early." I spoke sarcastically and huffed, running a hand through my hair as I walked the halls of the house. "Just wait 10 minutes, tell her I'm running late. Stall her until I find what I need."

"Remind me why I'm doing favors for you again?"

I scoffed, "I'm not the one that stabbed you." I made a poor argument as a response. "Look, Matt, I'm not the bad guy here." I tried my best to explain as I continued to search for the ascendant.

"Right, you just help the bad guys." He said, annoyance present in his voice. "Thanks to Stefan and Caroline, I can barely tie my shoe."

I paused my movements, "You care about Bonnie, don't you?" I rose my eyebrow although he couldn't see me.

"Of course I do, Bonnie's my friend." 

"Then what I'm doing makes me one of the good guys." I responded. He paused for a moment before I heard him sigh through the call.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do." He agreed before hanging up the phone, giving me more time to search for the object I came looking for in the first place.

I slammed the drawer in frustration once I realized that the ascendant wasn't in this room either. I decided to speed up the process, using my advantage of being a vampire to search every room quickly before I was resulted with the last one.

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