Chapter 6

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Liam’s POV

Sophia was shaking her head and tears started to fall on her beautiful cheeks, I take this as a good thing “Is that a yes” I smiled. She shook her head and tried to say something but nothing came out.

I stood up and walked to her, she pushed me away once I was in front of her. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” she kept crying. “You know Liam that I’m not the one for you and you are sure about this and here you come and propose, that’s so wrong Liam. Please don’t get me wrong. I had the best 5 years of my life and I love you. But I can’t live with someone that doesn’t want me”

“B-but I want you?” it came out as a question

“Don’t fool yourself Liam, you want her not me. You call me Danielle, Liam. Even when we are making love, you say her name and it hurts so much Liam. You will never be mine. And don’t say you really love me” she stopped and sigh “maybe you do but not like you love her. How are we supposed to start a family this way, how will we raise a child when both of us are dreaming about another person. I don’t deserve all this Liam. Can’t you see it’s supposed to be her in my place, it’s been 6 years and you still love her. Go search for her and tell her how much you love her. You make a great couple.” Her voice was so broken and she whispered the last sentence; if I wasn’t next to her I wouldn’t be hearing it. Her words really broke me, they are true but I never knew that I hurt her that much.

“I want you to know that I really love you Liam, I really do but not I don’t see us as a wife and husband plus you don’t belong to me. Thank you for everything, thanks for the nights you stayed up while I was in pain, thanks for every adorable date you took me to, thanks for everything you bought me. She is the luckiest girl on earth. Please treat her right” she finished off and walked away.

“Sophia” I called her out, she stopped and turned around. I run to her and pulled her in a hug “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything. I had never realized that I was hurting you. I can’t find the right words to tell you how sorry I am and I hope you find someone who treats you as you deserve. You are a great person, Sophia. I love you” she pulled me closer and I felt her tears fall on my t-shirt. I kissed her head and mumbled “I’m sorry”. She looked up at my eyes.

“Can I do one last thing?”She asked. I nodded. She placed her soft lips on mine and started kissing me. She surprised me by her action so it took me a while to kiss her back; I wrapped my arms around her waist and pull her closer. The kiss was so passionate and full of feelings. I hope I would take all her pain away but sadly it’s too late. “I’m gonna miss you” she mumbled.

“I’m gonna miss you more, I’m so sorry Sophia” she nodded.

“I think it’s goodbye” her eyes got watery again. And she looked down at our intertwined hands. I took this as a sign to let her go. I felt my heart break into pieces as she walked away. The tears I’ve been holding started to fall down. I wish I could go back in time and fix everything.

I felt someone put his hand on my shoulder, but I didn’t look up to see who is that. It doesn’t matter anymore; I lost the one thing that I put all of my dreams on. Now I’ll be forever alone.

“Liam, man look at me” Zayn sat down next to me. “It’s not the end of the world, you know that she was right, she isn’t the one, Liam and I told you that a lot but you never listened”

“I broke her heart badly”

“Yeah, you did” he sigh. The rest of the lads and Andy came and sat next to me.

“Think about it man, you can shag whoever you want now” Harry commented. Niall punched him in his stomach; he let out a piercing scream. I smiled and shook my head.

I felt my phone go off in my pocket, I got it out and found a message from Sophia. “You can go to your house, I’m sleeping at my friend and I will come in few days to pick up the rest of my stuff…GN x”

It hurt my heart when I read “Your house” it used to be HOME. I sigh and stood up, “I’m going home” I said to the lads

“Do you want company, I can come with you” Niall said

“No man, thanks” they nodded. I walked back to my car and drove home, I parked my car and walked to my door, and I unlocked it and got in. Her smell was everywhere I go but the house feels empty without her, I was stupid for letting her go.

I went to the kitchen and got out a glass and some ice, I pour some wine in my glass and started to drown myself in liquor.

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