Chapter 23

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Danielle’s POV

I woke up on James’ screaming. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I fell asleep on the couch; I had the best dream of my life last night. If felt so real. Arms wrapped around my waist, I looked beside me to find a sleepy Liam giving me a small smile. My eyes widened and realization hit me. It wasn’t a dream. It’s reality.

Mark cheating and kicking me, driving her to Liam and crying in his arms. The kiss.

“Good morning beautiful” Liam said in his sexy morning voice

“Morning” he surprised me by pecking my lips. I blushed as old days and smiled.

“Mommy you willllllllll live with us?” Jamie asked excited

“I don..”

“Yes love, we are finally going to be the happy family we were supposed to be” Liam cut me in. Jamie gave a piercing scream and jumped on me and Liam.

“This is the best morning of my life” Liam said as he pulled me and Jamie close. I studied his feature well, he is still the same person I met 9 years ago. He still has the little kid soul and that’s what I love the most about him. 

“I’m hungry” James Announced

“Ok baby, watch TV just till mommy and daddy clean up, deal?”

“Deal” he giggled

“Come on Dani” he helped me up off the couch. We walked upstairs to his room. Once we got inside and he closed the door he turned to me “I want you to make yourself home Dani, cause this will be your home forever, I will never let you go not again. That’s were u belong here with me and Jamie” He closed the space between us and pulled me to his arms “I feel lost without you Dani, I don’t see other woman but you. You are the light in my life. I’m sorry I let you go that easily, I’m sorry for every shit I’ve done. But I swear I will take a good care off you Dani, Please be mine, be my girlfriend.”

Tears were falling down my cheek, I wrapped my arms around him and placed my head in the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry Liam, I’m really sorry. I should have never left. I was young and stupid Liam. I regret all the past 5 years. You were the only thing on my mind. I love you so much Liam, so much that it hurts”

Liam pulled me closer “God! I’ve been waiting for this since forever. I love you more Dani”

We were watching a movie together as any normal couple; Liam and I were cuddling and Jamie was clinging to Liam. The door bell rang, so Liam paused the movie and went to get it. I heard familiar voices, I waited till they come to the living room.

Perrie and Zayn stood there shocked to see me, while the little girls whom I assume is Katy run to Jamie and Hugs him. I stood up and walked to them “Hey guys” I smiled

“God! It’s really you Dani, I thought I will never see you again” Perrie said as she squeezed me in a hug.

“I missed you so much Perrrrie”

“Don’t go away again. We can’t lose you again”

“You won’t Perrie, right Dani?” Liam asked, I smiled and nodded.

“Excuse me Perrie but you had her for enough time, I wanna hug my bestie now” Perrie pulled away and stuck her tongue out to Zayn as he pulled me in one of his genius hugs.  

“Is that your mommy?” Katy asked while she and James were cuddling. He nodded.

I walked and sat next to her “Hey Katy, I’m Dani”

“Hey auntie Dani”

“You are so beautiful you know, just like how Jamie described you.”

She blushed “Thank you” I pulled her in a hug and winked at Jamie and watched him turn into a tomato.

“I think we should call the rest they will all be happy to find that you are back together” Zayn suggested.

“Do you wanna do it babe?” Liam asked me, I nodded.

“I will never forgive you, if you left again” El said as she hugged me for the million times in 2 hours.

“I won’t babe, I won’t”  I looked at all the lads and their ladies, how they never changed. Today I had finally met my best friends after 5 years and I gained two adorable friends Hannah and Emma and 2 nieces and 1 nephew, shit I mean 2 nephews I can’t forget the soon coming baby Horan.  

“Mommy, mommyyy” Jamie called

“Yes baby” I kissed his forehead.

“I wanna marry Katy” I looked up at Zayn and Perrie. Katy was sitting on her dad’s lap blushing madly while Zayn looked like he would kill my child. Jamie walked to Zayn. “I promise you uncle, I will take a good care of her and I will never let anybody hurt her. I will love her till I die. Please uncle” Zayn looked at his baby girl then at Jamie, then at me and Liam.

“You promised Jamie”

“Yes Uncle” and like that katy got off her father’s lap, Jamie pulled her in a hug and kissed her cheeks. We all giggled and awed at the smallest couple in our big family.

Yes I said it, This is family, My family. It took me 5 years to realize that this is where I belong.

I hadn't realized that I was writing the last chapter Until i was done. I can't believe it's already over. God! I'm crying right now :') 

I wanna thank you all for being patient and for your sweet comments. I love you all guys, you helped me achieve all this success. I reached 2k on Quotev and 240 on Wattpad and that's alot <3 

So if you are wondering there is going to be an Epilogue and I think I will do some shots about their life too. I hope you enjoy. 

Thank you <3

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