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Harry's P.O.V

Tension has been rising between I and Hannah since the doctor told her she can't have babies of her own, she had been shutting the whole world out. I've been doing everything to just see her smile, I don't care if we got children or not, it's not like i dont want. I want but there are other solutions and we still have the whole life together maybe we would get one. 

Since we Have got married 2 years ago, she is been talking about how much she wants a baby, and we have been trying for the whole 2 years but every time it was a negative, I suggested going to the doctor to see what's wrong; we made all kind of tests at the best labs and doctors in the whole kingdom but they all said the same, she can't get pregnant. Since this moment our life has totally changed, we are not the bubbly cute couple like we used to be, she would cry everytime she would see a mother and her baby on street, then it became worst, she shut the whole world out, she doesn't eat, she doesn't go out, she doesnt talk much and sadly I can't help her. 2 months had passed that way but today I decided to take a step forward and draw a smile on her face again, I hope I succeed. 

  I finished making the breakfast and quickly went to our garden and picked a rose from it and went back to the kitchen and took the food. I walked upstairs to our room, as usual she was awake in bed staring at nowhere. I placed the food on the nightstand and opened all the curtains of our room. 

"Good morning love" I kissed her forehead 


"I made you breakfast and I wont leave till you eat it all" she didn't reply, she just stared at the ceiling "Hannah please, if you love me please eat, I know it hurts but you are hurting me too. I can't handle seeing you like this" she gave me a small nod and sat up a little. I hand her the plate and wait till she digged in. 

"Take a shower and change into something nice when you are done cause we are going out" she frowned "It's a surprise and I'm not taking no as an answer" she sigh and nodded. I smiled and kissed her forehead then walked to the bathroom to get ready. Today will be the day My babe turns happy again.

It took me half an hour to take a shower and get dressed, I walked back to my room, Hannah had already eaten her breakfast, and getting her clothes from the dressing room. she passed me without saying a word. I walked downstairs to the living room to give her her space. 

one hour later we were already in my car on our way to the surprise.

"where are we going" Hanna caught me off guard. she doesnt usually  talk so i think this is a good start. 

"Its a surprise love" I placed my hand on her tight and for the very first time in 2 months she didn't push it away. I smiled like an idiot. "Can you please close your eyes, cause we are close" she sigh but nodded and did as I said.

I parked the car and quickly went to Hanna's side and opened her door. I helped her out and asked for the orphanage owner. "Open your eyes now" She did as said but frowned when she saw us standing infront of an office.

"Patience babe" I winked. I knocked on the door and we went in. 

"Mr Styles I've been waiting for you to show" I smiled

"Mrs. Lara this is my wife Hannah" 

"Hey Dear it's nice to meet you, are you ready?" 

"she doesn't know yet, it's a surprise" I winked, Mrs Lara the owner of the orphanage laughed and told us to walk after her.

"Where are we Harry?" Hannah asked 

"You will know in a couple of seconds"

"That's the room for the age you requested Haz, I leave you with them so you can choose"

"Thank you so much Mrs Lara" she nodded as we opened the door. 

Hannah's POV

I frowned more when I saw about 10 kids playing around in the room Harry opened. I turned to him and asked "Why are we here?" 

"emmm! so we could meet our child?" 

"What do you mean?" i asked as tears started to form in my eyes

"We are spending a couple of hours here until you and I decide on which baby to take home." I didn't know I was crying until Harry wiped away my tears, how did I get so lucky; no one would have ever done this to me. For sure he is not a human, he is an angel. I wrapped my hands around him and placed my lips on his "I love you so much Harry, I'm sorry for all the pain I'd put you through" 

"I love you more than you can imagine babe" 

I felt someone tickling my legs so I looked down to find the most adorable baby on earth, I picked her up and kissed her cheeks, Harry did the same as me "she is so beautiful isn't she?" 

"She is dear" 

"How old do you think she is?" I asked

"All the babies in this room are about 2" 

"Perfect age" we sat down and I placed the baby girl on my lap. "Whats your name beautiful?" 

"Maia" she said shyly, I kissed her forehead. she giggled and hugged me "Ove youuu" Tears formed in my eyes as she said so, I looked at Harry to find him smiling. He picked her up and started to talk to her, I watched as he tell her a joke and both of them gives the most adorable laugh.

"Mommy" it took me off guard as she called me mommy, tears started to fall down my cheeks as i took her from Harry and Hugged her as if there is no Tomorrow. She hugged me back, I looked at Harry and gave him a small nod, to let him know I choose her. Suddenly she broke the hug and got off my lap and took my hands in hers "Dweesss mommy Dwess" I stood up and walked with her to a small wardrobe, I opened it for her.... she started pointing out to a dress so I picked it and gave it to her. she giggled and hugged the dress then help my hands and took me to what i guess is her bed. she started showing me her toys and paintings.   

"Mommy Poway?" I kissed her chubby cheeks and nodded I cant say no to those big green eyes. she started getting her dolls out and we made up a story together and played. right in the middle of our story Harry sat next to Maia, she smiled and jumped on his lap. 

"Maia do you wanna go home with us?" Harry asked her, her eyes widened and she nodded. Harry stood up and helped me up too, I picked Maia and went back to Mrs Lara's Office. 

Once she saw Maia with us she smiled "She killed you with her cuteness didn't she" 

I and Harry nodded "so much" 

"Ok so she is the one right?!" we nodded again "good, you have to know abit about her past. I think her parents didnt need her or so, so we found her wrapped in a blanket at our door on a Christmas night, the girl is healthy and so active, I think thats all." 

We signed all the needed papers, once we were done Maia was already fast asleep like an angel. we headed straight home and Placed her on our Bed as she was sleeping. "No word would be enough to tell you how much I love you Harry." 

He smiled and Pulled me to his lap "I could do anything to see your smile baby, now we need to start planning the decoration of her room" He winked. 

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