CHP. 8 "Different Perspective"

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Haven's P.O.V

It has been months and we have finally figured out a way to see what they see, we cannot do anything but we can watch. It was all thanks to Metin really. I was on my way to meet Metin, Kain, and my father. I passed my mirror and stopped. I looked awful, my hair was everywhere, my eyes were sunken and I had dark circles under them. I still had two hours so I sighed and made my way back to the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and hopped into the shower. I let the steaming hot water roll off my shoulders. Since I was a Fire dragon's Rider and Queen I was completely immune to heat. It calmed me down and helped a lot. It also, if used correctly could heal. I let the water run over my face, back and neck as I washed myself. Once I got out and dried off, getting dressed was a lot easier. I then went back to the bathroom and brushed through my very long blonde hair, I blinked and what I saw made me smile slightly. I was almost completely back to normal though I still had a hint of dark under my eyes. I sighed and applied a small amount of makeup. I was not the type of queen to use 5lbs of makeup. I finally, pleased with my looks, walked out and down the hallways. I met Aradace half way down the stairs. She grinned at me and said "Well, look her got her crap together!" I sighed and then laughed, I HAD been a complete mess. I grabbed Aradace's horn and she guided me to the place we will be watching the kids in. I was suddenly sad remembering that in a few days it would be their birthday and I wouldn't get to celebrate it with them. I smiled a bit on knowing they would be 13. My kids were growing up. We finally reached the doors, Kain was there too, he had just walked in, but her turned around and kissed me softly before walking completely into the room. I smiled and followed him, Briggen was already in along with my father and Polaris. I nodded to each of them and Aradace went and sat next to Briggen, who brushed his cheek along her chin. They intertwined their tails before talking in hushed whispers about how their little dragonets were doing. I sighed, I sat down with Kain and her pulled me against him and said in a hushed whisper, "They will be fine, I promise." I smiled and leaned my head against his shoulder. I said "I hope you are correct." We watched as Metin set everything up, she then sat down and chanted something and on the wall an almost screen looking image appeared. She said "we will be looking through Raine's eyes." I looked back at the projection and gasped. I saw Abelard and Arian, they were flying along beside Raine. I saw Raine look down at Faaris and then in front of her to a dark brown dragon leading them somewhere. That must be a mud dragon! I smiled and then when they came to a waterfall I frowned. Suddenly the edges of her vision turned dark grey. Metin said, before we freaked out, "Color on the edge of her vision symbolize what she is feeling. That is her emotions. Right now it is filled with doubt. Why her emotions would be filled with doubt was beyond me. Suddenly they flew through the waterfall leaving the Mud dragon behind. They got off their dragons and walked, it was very dark but we could still see their outlines. Suddenly her vision flashed white and they rushed forward. White must mean they are in shock, scared, or even terrified. My worry increased tenfold as Raine's Vision was filled with red, this wasn't her emotions, no, they were underground and the forest was completely engulfed in flames. Briggen let out a growl and Aradace whimpered. All the dragons that were down there were dead now. I felt tears well up in my eyes and my heart broke. I suddenly felt empty. Is this what happens when dragons die? I sniffed and focused again, they were facing a bunch of dragons who were absolutely huge. The light glinted off their bodies as if they were metal. I saw dark brown around her vision, Metin explained, dark brown was for comfort, and hope. I smiled and they flew towards the dragons once they had managed to put out the fire. Once the Metal-like dragons noticed them, they flew towards getting ready to attack. Suddenly beside them, Abelard disappeared along with Faaris's head and body.  The metal-like dragons stopped and turned around in confusion. I had to say, I was just as confused. Where were they? I sighed and focused again and saw that all the dragons had gathered around where Raine and Abelard had once flown. At once every metal-like dragon nodded. There had to be like over 5,000 dragons there how had all of them heard what Raine and Abelard were saying, well at least I assumed they were speaking but that was unreal, I could speak to any dragon I wanted but not all of them at the same time. I gaped at the projection as Abelard and Arian appeared as well as Faaris. We couldn't see Raine because we were looking through her eyes. A huge dragon flew forward and I'm assuming Raine and Abelard were conversing with him. Suddenly at the edges of Raine's vision there was light yellow, Metin quickly said "happiness, peacefulness, and joy." I nodded and watched as Raine and Abelard flew through the tunnels and out the waterfall, leading all the dragons to who knows where. I watched intently for any sign to where they were. It was all completely unknown, but Arian and Abelard seemed to know exactly where they were going. Suddenly they started to ascend into the sky and there in all its glory was a platform, in the sky, filled with dragons and buildings. There were thousands of lightly colored feathered dragons flying with RIDERS on their backs! There were also a whole lot more mud dragons and only a few what looked like root dragons. They all landed and Abelard and Raine walked over to a HUGE feathered dragon, she was white with blue and yellow mixed into her feathers, she had an extremely long tail. I could see another color making its way onto Raine's vision, it was blue, and this color Metin said meant Trust and respect. I mumbled to myself these dragons must be powerful or hold some sort of rank. The other two dragons, a metal-like dragon and a Mud dragon, followed them as they all walked towards a building. The building said "Sky Guardian Palace" I was shocked, there were sky dragons, that must be the feathered dragons, but that meant that the huge dragon was the guardian. I gaped as they walked into a big room, it was filled with sky dragons and mud dragons, along with a few Metal dragons. They seemed to be making plans. I looked at the table they surrounded this reminded me of a room here, the- oh...oh no, they were in a war room, they were making plans for WAR! I looked to Kain, he must have had the same thoughts because he was deathly pale. Once Raine and Abelard came in they all stood and bowed to them. They all sat once again at a wave from Abelard. They must know they are the Prince and Princess of all the dragons. They once gain made plans, Abelard jumped in every once in a while pointing to one area on the map, it had a figure pinned to it, it was the image of a black dragon. I had no idea what type it was, I knew it was evil though because of the way Abelard's face twisted whenever he glanced at it or pointed. They seemed to all relax and I assumed they came up with a good plan to fight. I then noticed a hand waving around and realized that Raine was speaking. They all had turned towards us and seemed to look right at us. It unnerved me a little bit. They all nodded and got up, Raine and Abelard waved and nodded, while everyone returned it. They all walked out and Raine, obviously tired climbed atop Faaris. They both walked towards a building, as they walked in I saw that they had been living here. The laid down not bothering to eat what was left for them on their desks and went right to sleep. I smiled but quickly frowned when Raine's point of view started to get darker and darker. I then mentally scolded myself. The darker it was the more she fell into sleep. I smiled and softly whispered "Goodnight my loves." Metin stood and I directed my attention to her. She said "They will probably be awake at 6:00 so please be back in this room at 5:00 just in case they wake up early for some reason." I nodded and grabbed Kain's hand. He lead me out of the room and to our own room. Along the way I said hello to some of the riders, Iris, Caspian, Bale. We finally got to our room and I got dressed into some clothes to sleep in and then slid under the soft heavy comforter. I was almost to sleep when Kain laid down. He pulled me till I was pressed into his chest. I smiled and he kissed my forehead. He started to whisper about things we used to do, and things the kids used to do. I slowly fell asleep listening to our adventures and I dreamed of the kids being back here snuggled with us. Watching the rain as it slid down the window. I was not prepared for the morning to come.


Still Havens P.O.V

When I woke up I was still pressed against Kain's chest. I yawned and stretched and sat up, when I did sit up it woke Kain up and I smiled as he yawned and stretched. I looked out the window and noticed that it was a little bit before dawn. I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and did my hair and put on a little bit of makeup. I looked at myself and nodded, I looked presentable, now I just needed clothes. I walked out of the bathroom and opened a wardrobe, I got out some navy pants and a white shirt that had navy swirls I put on black boots and when downstairs to the kitchen knowing Kain would be down in a second. I grabbed two large mugs and handed them to the maids who were already awake. They nodded and and swished into the kitchen. they brought back the mugs filled with coffee, just the way Kain and I liked it, they also brought out a plate filled with little breakfast rolls, biscuits, butter and honey. The cook must have been in a great mood because he had also made some little strawberry danishes. I smiled at the maid and said "Tell the cook I love the breakfast he made." She nodded and ran back into the kitchen. I turned around and as I walked through the door I met up with Kain and we walked to the little room we were in yesterday. along the way I ate a few danishes. As we walked through the door I saw Metin setting up, she waved her hand in greeting and two chairs appeared for me and Kain. We sat down and started to eat, it was gone in a few minutes. I set the tray down beside my chair and Aradace and Briggen walked in. she brushed her cheek against mine softly before laying down next to me. Briggen lightly butted his head against Kain's chest before nodding to me and sitting down behind Aradace. A second later my father walked in. Once he did Metin said a few words and A black projection appeared onto the wall. Metin said "Today we will be seeing from Abelard's perspective. " I nodded and we finally saw a little flicker of light, suddenly we could see an image, Abelard jumped out of bed and looked over to see Raine, panicking and trying to get armor/clothes on. I gasped and saw the color along the outside of the projection. It was yellow, a very dark gross yellow. I was immediately alert. Yellow meant that Abelard was terrified. Raine and Abelard ran out of their building and grabbed Faaris and Arian, they flew towards a certain area and when I saw it, it made my eyes tear up. There were all kinds of different dragons fighting huge black dragons, they were biting and slashing and trying to throw off each of the riders on the other dragon. I watched and Abelard looked to raine across from him, she was concentrating. suddenly a group of those steel dragons flew and made a circle around Abelard and Raine, I realized that the only reason they would do that is if Abelard and Raine... if they were the ones giving orders. Suddenly all the dragons on our side disappeared. I was so confused I almost stood up. I gasped though and made a weird panicked noise in the back of my throat. I couldn't even see Raine or Abelard, or their dragons. All i saw were the almost smoking black dragons, their eyes flashing black. I then saw that they were still fighting, they were whipping around trying to claw or bite at invisible dragons. One black dragon swooped to close and was instantly taken down by the invisible steel dragons that had been, or still were protecting Raine and Abelard. I then saw two more, they seemed to have figured out where Raine and Abelard's position was. I bit my nails and watched as the dragons got closer and closer. Suddenly a sword that had suddenly appeared flew into the dragons neck. I didn't feel this dragons death at all, but i finally noticed the searing hot pain starting at my chest and working up into my head. I wish I was there, I wish I understood what was happening, I wish I knew why my Son and My daughter were being targeted. I was wrenched out of my haze when I saw all of our dragons re-appear. My confusion turned to blinding burning rage as I saw the image look down to see a sword sticking out of Abelard's stomach. I stood and screamed and yelled profanities. I felt hands holding me back and finally a talon picking my up and rushing me out. I faintly felt my rage before I saw only black.

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