CHP. 6 "Unexpected Changes"

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We talked almost all night about what had happened during training. It was so cool that we could do that. I knew that soon we would have to go and find dragons that would help us. Nut the guardian dragon had said that there were marshes close by and we should start there. We made a plan and then, an hour before dawn we both fell asleep.

Abelard's P.O.V

I woke up slowly. It wasn't because Raine and I stayed up all night because to be honest I was a bit of a morning person though I wouldn't admit it. I loved watching the sun rise till it was too bright to look at. I promised Arian that I would take him flying early this morning and so when I looked out to see what time it was. I saw the sky and slowly bleeding across it was the beautiful sunrise. I smiled and got up dressing in my usual attire which consisted of a dark indigo shirt and black pants. My mother had made them for me, I had mostly dark clothes. It was easier to move around wearing dark clothes because no one really noticed you. So mother fashioned me multiple black legging and multiple dark colored shirts. I was gratefull​ and wore them all the  time. Once I made it outside making sure to leave a note for Raine I made my way to the kitchen/bakery. I walked in and sat down at one of the high stools along the counter. I knew that no one would be up Except the cook and his helpers. So I waited patiently for a boy who always came out arooound now. Right on time, a boy pushed his way through the door and immediately noticed me. He smiled and held up a finger as he hurried back through the door. I waited a second and as the boy pushed back through the door he also had a platter. On it was a plate with little confections and other breakfast items. The rest of the platter was filled with bacon, and extremely unhealthy thing that the dragons were addicted to thanks to mom. I slightly smiled at that thought. I gave the boy a tip as usual and grabbed the platter. We didn't really exchange words for the boy liked silence so I just nodded and walked out eating what was given to me. I whistled for Arian and he shot out of the dragon stables and came over to me. I set the platter down and as he ate I scratched behind his ears and along his neck. I groomed him and once he was done I grabbed one of the short horns that had been growing and pulled my leg over his neck. It was a bit chilly but as I shivered Arain heated himself up and I sighed and relaxed against Arians neck as he lifted off the ground. We flew until the sun was too bright to look at and we finally turned back home. But as we were flying I caught sight of smoke. I put a hand on Arians neck and he started to fly down near the ground. We landed and disappeared. We stalked with surprising silence and as we got closer I noticed a terrible smell. We finally made it to a clearing and I almost threw up. In the clearing there were thousands of dark dragons with nasty people riding them. I tapped twice in Arians neck and he stepped back and we turned around flying quickly back to the platform. I landed and calling for Raine and Faaris I burst through into the guardian building. I rushed to where all the guards and important people eat with the guardian. I burst through the doors and Nut on instinct snarled but Arian quickly started to explain to her while I looked at the guards and Skylar. I explained everything and didn't even stop as Raine burst through. She grabbed onto my side as I finished explaining. I wrapped a arm around raine and I took a deep breath letting raine calm me down. I was mentally panicking. They were closing in. The guards were all giving orders and I looked to skylar. I said "We probably have two days. Me and Raine need to go to get the dragon alliances. We need them desperately." Arian pushed his head into my back and I turned around. He looked down at me with calm eyes and as everything around me quieted I stared up into his eyes. He said "Abelard, you have to pull your thoughts together, I know we are only twelve but we will be turning 13 soon and all of them are counting on us. We can do this we just have to be calm and collected. I have talked with the Guardian Dragon and she says that she can help us. She wants to accompany us to find the other dragons. She wants to come not so she can talk to them but she wants to protect us. Calm down and we can do it. I'm here and nothing will ever happen to you while I'm alive." he put his big forehead against my face and I immediately calmed down. I felt heat rush through me and as I opened my eyes I turned to everyone and nodded. I turned to Nut, "Your help would be happily met, we need to leave now if this is okay with Skylar." everyone turned to skylar and she nodded. She looked to Nut and for a brief moment they conversed and as we started out Nut followed us. We took off, Raine and Faaris to my right and Nut to my left. I briefly made everyone disappear and we flew looking for the swamp. We didn't have much time.

We flew for a while as I was about to ask Nut if we were going in the right direction I finally saw the swamp. I was a little surprised. It was extremely muddy and wet but it's trees were almost as dense as the regular forest. I scanned the forest and then pushed Arian to go further into the swamp forest. We flew slowly through the trees until we warily came to a stop in a huge clearing. As I scanned the muddy floored clearing I realised the ground was moving. I gasped as wings started to sprout from the ground followed by a strong sturdy bodies. Attached to that was a very thick neck and there Sat a squarish head with straight horns jutting out at almost every angle. There was about 10 of them and I let everyone appear so the new dragons could see us. They were mud dragons. The leader stepped forward, he was almost as big as Nut but not quite. He said in a gravely voice "What brings you here to the swamp of the mud dragons?" I looked to Raine and she nodded stepping forward. She said "We have a terrible situation that affects every dragon around here. We need help because We may have a huge amount of sky dragons but they alone are not going to be able to defeat Stryker and his army of Darkness dragons. We need help from every dragon that lives around here. Could you help us?" the dragons studied us for a minute before nodding his giant head, he looked to the other mud dragons and said "We have lost many to Stryker and his army. I would be willing to gather up all the mud dragons to help fight. How long do we have?" I sadly said "We only have 2 days. Do you know where we can find forest dragons too?" the mud dragon stepped forward and said "One of my helpers will accompany you to show you exactly where the our forest dragon neighbors are. We will meet at the sky platform in a day and a half. Nut, please lead us to the platform." to me he slowly said" I wish you the very best." We turned away and as we fly back the way we came I turn to Raine and say "wow, you know I didn't really think asking for their alliance would be so easy. I guess all the dragons want to get rid of Stryker just as much as we do." Raine nods and says "yeah, for some reason I thought maybe they would ask for something in return but I guess they work differently here than at home, everyone here just really wants to be free." On that we fall silent and look up through the trees as we catch glimpses of the mud dragon, he seems to be leading us out of the swamp. I bet we are headed to the huge redwood forest I saw one of the mornings I flew with Arian. The mud dragon fell back and says in a rough voice. "If you go through the trees for 2 miles there is a waterfall, got through it and behind it there should be a tunnel, it is the entrance to a very big clearing among the redwood trees. There you will find a very big groups of forest dragons." We nodded our thanks and started to move out in the direction the dragon told us to go in. As we walked through the forest I felt different, like we were being watched. I hope that the dragons don't mistake Faaris and Arian for darkness dragons... We walked far, about 2 miles like the dragon said and finally, through the huge trees I could see a waterfall as well as hear it. I looked at Raine and she was looking at the waterfall, her face was a mask of doubt and for the first time my step faltered. Did Raine think the dragon lied? I cautiously stepped towards the waterfall. I reached out my hand and felt the water. It was hot, I stepped through it not getting wet at all because Arian had raised a wing above my head. I scratched his neck in thanks and continued forward with  slightly more confidence. As we walked the ground slight dipped every so often, I don't really notice it until Arian said "Abelard, we are coming to a drop." I, startled, slowed down inching my way forward until my door slid off the edge. Arian grabbed the back of my shirt steadying me. I wiped the sweat off my face and once I felt the heat waves I instantly knew something was horribly wrong. I jumped onto Arians back and he launched off the cliff, Raine following close behind. We flew forward and that's when we saw it.

There was Fire completely covering everything.

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