CHP. 23 "Home"

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Abelard's P.O.V

I screamed in pain as the sword connected. How had he known? I crumbled to the ground and Caleb was beside me in an instant as well as other guards. Caleb explained briefly the connection and they tried to soothe me in any way but I knew if we didn't help Raine it wouldn't get any better. I heard a thump and through my pain looked to Raine. Another wave of pain crashed over me and I gasped. I screamed in my head, "Arian! Come here quickly, I need the stone! I need the Stone!" I heard a roar meaning they were not far and scrambled over to Raine. I could see the sword sticking out and I screamed her name, mostly in pain. She was unresponsive. Oh god no... Arian landed heavily and I screamed as I got up, and fell towards him, he caught me and I got in the bag, grabbing the stone. I said, "Help me! Heal her!" With a flash the sorcerer was in front of me. He was extremely worried and before I could say anything I blacked out.


When I opened my eyes my whole body ached. I moaned and rolled over so I was pushing my face into the pillow and curling in on myself. How did this happen? Oh right. That guard. Raine! I scrambled out of bed and looked around. I was in an empty room so I pushed open the door and called out for Raine. I heard footsteps and Caleb dashed around the corner. "Abelard!" He hugged me tightly and said, "It's okay, it's alright, she's fine." I relaxed slightly and gasped, "She's in pain still. My whole body aches!" He sighed, "She was stabbed Abelard. It was because of some kind of magic. Something was cast over the guard and his sword and they... they can't heal her all the way." I paled and whispered, "But she will live?" He nodded, "She's okay." I sighed and let Caleb take me to the room I was just in. "You need to rest Abelard." I just nodded and followed him. He pushed me down into bed and crawled under the covers with me. He curled himself around me and I pushed my face against his chest as well as hugging him around the waist. He started to hum a tune and I was out almost immediately.


Raine's P.O.V

I woke up feeling awful. My side was bandaged and I felt stiff. Everything still ached and I gasped in pain. Why does this always happen to me? A knock was heard and the chief came in, "Princess! We have figured out that the guard was under some magical rune. He was being controlled. We also found that his sword was not normal either and had traces of magic and the sorcerer tried all he could. We have stabilized you but it has to heal on it's own." I nodded and he quietly closed the door. I stared at the ceiling, I just wanted to go home. It wasn't long before Jordan, Caleb, and Abelard came in. Abelard looked like he was in pain and I said, "Abelard, you should be in bed. I know you feel this." He nodded but instead of leaving he crawled into bed with me. He sighed and said, "Being close always makes it better to deal with." I sighed and mumbled, "Sorry." He looked over, "Why are you apologizing?" I sighed again, "I might have been able to hold him off but I panicked and gave myself away because I was breathing hard. It was stupid and he managed to get me. I shouldn't have panicked." Abelard rolled his eyes, "Raine that is the stupidest thing you have ever said." I chuckled painfully, "Must be the pain talking then." He grimaced and said, "Yeah okay let's not laugh." Jordan sighed almost frustrated. "She did this too when she was with me. I told her, after I had found her and brought her up to my room, that I didn't have you and she laughed! He looked at me scolding and Abelard chuckled lightly, "Yeah that sounds about right. I'd be stabbed again just to know she was alright but also only if she couldn't feel my pain." Caleb nodded and said, "The healer recommends that we should stay here a few days. So you can heal. They said you could leave but being on a dragon would be uncomfortable and you'd have to fly slow. They also gave me a map. They said it would take us two days if we waited and three or four days if we didn't wait. I nodded and said, "Well I am fine enough. I can get a more comfortable bed at home." I sat up with gasp as pain laced through my abdomen and up my neck, "What time is it?" Jordan spoke up, "It is just before dinner." I sunk back down sighing before chuckling, "Well then let's leave in the morning. I will feel even better then." Abelard rolled his eyes and we got quiet. I looked down at the thick white bandage, "Did they figure out why he did this?" Jordan nodded, "He was under some kind of enchantment thing... it seems like what I used to do to dragons... I used a rune to get them to follow orders. I lost it quite some time ago so I am afraid I can't help." I looked at Jordan carefully, he lost it... he was usually good at keeping up with things. "What if you didn't lose it?" He looked at me a little startled, "What do you mean?" I continued to think aloud, "What if you didn't lose it but it was taken? What if whoever took it wanted to make sure you only thought you had lost it." He seemed to shrug the possibility off, "No... that's impossible the last I had seen it I was talking t-" He froze and a look of horror came over his face. I was about to ask but he slowly turned to me, his eyes widened more as he whispered, "I had been talking to my dragon." My eyes widened too, "That must be how he's been able to get you to do those things... or have me tortured..." He looked terrified, "H-he could get anything he wanted... he could turn me back evil... he- he could get one of you t-" I held out a hand and he stopped, "Don't worry.. we will get home and my mother will help us." He slowly nodded. I sat back and sighed, my eyes closed for a moment. When I wrenched them open Jordan was going to sit down, "Sleep Jordan... You need it." He just sighed and I hoped he would get to bed. I let myself fall into sleep.

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