CHP. 18 "All Kinds of Love"

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Unknown P.O.V
I watched them both as they left the clearing. That Brat with him is too powerful. She really is the one, the one who could wear it. I have to kill her. I took flight as they raced off towards what I assumed was the sky palace, I had to think of something before she realizes who she really is, it's either her or the stupid hot headed brother. I soared closer getting a good glimpse of him. The prince. He was laughing with a boy around his age, I couldn't understand humans these days. I turned around heading back to my cave, I never stayed around the castle anymore. I had to plot a way to get to the girl... maybe the boy can help... oh yes, I know what to do now.

Abelard's P.O.V
I stayed still after Raine finished her Speech. I couldn't help but become uncomfortable at the way she treated him, but if she loved him and he loved her and becomes good then who am I to judge. Some people make mistakes I suppose. I joined in giving her hugs and noticed Str- Jordan walking off. I looked towards Raine but she hadn't noticed. I shrugged and started to walk over to Caleb. We laughed around for a bit. Both telling some people about our journey. Caleb joked around about how I wailed like a baby but I smirked and brought up how he was snuggled into me. He blushed hard before turning and stalking off. I wondered what got into him, dang I probably offended him, I was about to go after him but that's when I finally saw Iris, she was talking to a tall guy with grey hair, he looked to be about our age too. I was going to approach but he said something smiling and they hugged. It wasn't just a friendly hug, if was more of the relationship, huh. I stopped and turned to the right towards Raine, I joined them and started laughing about one thing and tried to get her out of my mind, I didn't have any right to be jealous anyway. I was saying something to Skylar when Str- argh I mean Jordan ran up swinging Raine around. It seemed effortless and it kind of surprised me. I looked more closely and noticed that he was in deed pretty muscular. I listened in and found that Jordan was going on about a dragon. They looked towards me and Skylar and asked for permission to go to the platform. Skylar relented and they flew off in Faaris. I got to Arian too and found Caleb. If anyone could help me out with Iris it was Caleb. I drew close to him and bumbled his wing carefully. He looked up at me in surprise and smiled. I waved and said, "Hey I was wondering if we could talk?" He nodded seriously and said, "I wanted to talk to!" I nodded and we flew in silence. I frowned thinking about Iris, that really bummed me out, I guess I wasn't good enough? Maybe because she just didn't know me as well? I shook myself out, I didn't have any right to think like that, they could have met long before I was even in the picture. I sighed and looked over at Caleb, he was such a good friend. He's been there through it all. I smiled, I'm glad I got him as a training buddy. "See something you like?" I snapped my wandering eyes up to see Caleb laughing. I blushed realized I had been staring, "S-sorry Caleb.. I uh I didn't mean to stare." I blushed harder fueling his laughing fit. Eventually I started laughing and we couldn't control ourselves. I came up with an idea and shouted, "Bet Arian is faster!" Arian zoomed off and I faintly heard Caleb exclaim, "It. is. ON!" I cackled as he tried to catch up. He got to my side and said, You're racing a sky dragon mate, it won't go well for.. well you!" He zoomed ahead and I squeezed Arian's sides. He caught up easily and we sped up faster and faster. The two dragons became nose to nose each one getting the edge before the other sped up. I leaned flat against Arian and looked over to Caleb. He was flat too looking ahead with lidded eyes. He looked over and smiled before saluting me and pulling ahead. I gaped at the pure speed the other dragon showed. Sky dragons were truly the fastest dragons. We finally came to the sky palace and slowed to a stop landing. They landed first and I hopped off Arian letting him get a drink. He caught his breath before rubbing against me apologetically before bounding off with Caleb's dragon. I laughed and admitted, "You were right, you really are faster." Caleb smirked, "I could've told you that! You put up a good fight." I scoffed, once again gaining some fight in me, "I could beat you in a fight any day." Caleb's eyes widened in excitement and said, "You're on hotshot! Tonight my place, we'll fight." I nodded and gripped his hand in a shake before we laughed heading over to the group of dragons. I pushed my way through with Caleb and we stopped short as Jordan said, "-but I love you." They walked close to each other before a huge white snout pushed them making them trip over each other. Jordan caught Raine though and for a second they were suspended over each other and then Jordan helped Raine stand and they hugged each other Jordan burying his face in her shoulder and hair. It made my blood boil but I let it pass. They split apart smiling and she turned to see me. She smiled and said, "look, Jordan found his dragon, Raincloud." I looked in to see the biggest sky dragon I had ever seen. I gaped for a second and laughed, "Wow, Jordan you're gonna need a ladder, you have a beauty here." The sky dragon dipped her head catching my eye. We all laughed and he rubbed her feathers smooth on her face. We talked for a bit and Jordan said, "Tomorrow if everything is well I can escort you home." I wistfully mumbled, "Home. Imagine Raine, Back in the castle... do you think they've had the baby yet?" She shrugged and said, "oh I can't wait to see her." She went on explaining to Jordan how Mother's Sister our aunt was expecting. I looked to my side to see that Caleb was gone and for a split second panic coursed through me but I shrugged it off when I noticed the sun was getting low in the sky. I walked over to Caleb's with Arian who departed once I was there, I found a little dirt arena behind his house where he was stretching. I watched him take a few swings with his sword and chuckled. He whipped around on guard till he saw me. He relaxed laughing nervously and questioned, "How long you been standing there?" I shrugged, "Just got here! Let's get this over with, so you never have any doubts again~." He laughed at my taunt and threw me a sword. I nodded approvingly and stepped onto the arena. He explained, "My dad built this for me when I told them I wanted to be in the junior guard. We trained every morning." He smiled gently and I said, "Well we can put it to good use." He laughed short and said, "I'd like to see you beat me!" So we started, we shuffled around each other before he made the first move. He jabbed right and then swung left. I blocked going smoothly into defense. I blocked everything before he got a good hit in. I switched to offense pounding hard with my sword. We went at each other switching between offense and defense. Finally when it started to get dark, and my hope of winning dwindled, he swung low and I stepped back tripping on my own feet. I tried catching my balance but failed and my leg went out and instictively I grabbed onto Caleb but my weight had him tripping too. He couldn't catch himself though either and managed to bring us both down. He landed on top of me and after the dust cleared I opened my eyes and groaned. I managed, "that... hurt." My head pounded and I opened my eyes a little bit but they flew open as I came face to face with Caleb. He opened his eyes too and we stared at each other and that's when I noticed our position. I was laying on the ground with both hands on his chest. He had both hands on either side of my head and one knee between my legs and the other on my left side. I could see his blush even though it was dark. We continued to stare at each other, his eyes widening before he leaned up and stuttered out an apology, but whenever he did his knee shifted, sending a shock through me, "don't move.." I laid my head back down and he stuttered, "Abelard- oh man, oh man, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that! Oh this is embarrassing..." I laughed and said, Caleb it's fine just... d-don't move." He became still again and I slowly pulled myself from under him. I could feel my face flushed and he sat down heavily. He sniffed and I whipped around to look at him. He had a tear going down his face and I got up alarmed, "Caleb really It's alright, it's fine are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" I got closer to him and he moved away and whispered, "Yeah yeah I'm fine." He pulled his knees up and I questioned, "Hey, Caleb what's wrong? It's fine it was just a misstep." He whispered, "I lost one of my best friends this way." I cocked my head to the side but didn't push, Caleb said, "We were sparring and we both lost our balance and I landed on him and he got super angry and told me to stay away from him because I was... I was a.. f- I wa-" my eyes widened realizing what he was trying to say. I sighed heavily. He looked up at me and just frowned before looking down. I got closer and said, "Caleb did you think I would judge you just because you are like that?" He nodded slowly and I said, "Hey look at me" he did, revealing wide scared eyes and said, "I am nothing but a disgrace... that's why dad isn't here anymore, he- he left because of me." I gasped at him shocked. I got on my knees and pulled him against me as I wrapped my arms around him. He might be 16 but that didn't matter anymore, he needed me. He hesitated against my embrace but after a moment he almost melted into it and wrapped his arms around me slowly and sniffed again. I could feel my shoulder getting wet but I didn't care. I whispered, "Don't worry Caleb, I'm not going anywhere." He nodded and we stayed like that for a while before the sun completely disappeared. He slowly broke away from me and said, "Heh you probably think I'm pathetic now, right?" I shook my head, "It takes a strong person to cry, I'd never think less of you. I spent a whole week crying like a baby but you stayed with me. How would I repay my gratitude when at the first tear I slunk away letting you deal with it on your own? What friend would I be then?" He laughed softly and nodded. I stood and dusted myself off. Holding out a hand to Caleb I smiled sheepishly. He smiled back taking it. He stood up and we found ourselves close together again. "I couldn't ask for a better friend." I felt his hot breath on my face and I gulped, blushing even more than I already was. I met his soft gaze and he continued to gently smile, it was small but there. He brought me in for a hug and I relaxed against his strong grip. We hugged for a minute before breaking away. He said, "Let's get you to your house huh?" I nodded and we both walked towards my house. We got to the front door and I opened the door letting Caleb come in. He smiled and we both came in and found Raine already asleep. We both sat on my bed and I said, "I really don't blame you you know. It was just an accident- that trip." He nodded and we sat in silence. He said, "you know what I meant right?" I nodded and said, "Don't worry, There were a few homosexual people at the castle. It's not new to me." He nodded and said, "What if I liked one of my friends." I nodded and said, "That's okay." He nodded and said, "They're a guy like me and we've been training together for a while. I don't think he knows yet and I don't honestly know if he even likes guys and... what should I do?" for some reason I got a sad, longing pang in my stomach. I said softly, "well you should tell him, yeah?" He nodded and said, "the thing is, is they're going on a... trip and I don't know if they'll ever be back, what do I do then?" I scratched my head thinking and said, "Are you able to go with them? If you are then maybe you can go with them." His eyes lit up and he said, "Thanks I'll ask him tomorrow, before they leave!" I laughed but sadly thought about the lucky guy. Wait what? I shook my head and laughed. He got up and said, "goodnight Abelard, I'll talk to you in the morning, t-to t-tell you how it goes, of course." I nodded waving as he turned and waved back before closing the door. I shook my head chuckling and laid down. I felt a little hint of sadness course through me again but it only brought confusion. I thought about the fight, when we landed on each other... it wasn't that bad I suppose... then I thought about Iris, everyone loved someone else...

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