CHP. 12 "Dangerous Magic"

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Stryker's P.O.V

I left the battle in a fiery, furious, frenzy. I have never been so angry before at least I don't remember a time.  I do remember the way she glowed. No one has done that since.... But that couldn't be true. She is not the girl they talked about. I had to get her. I had to get her without her brother. Together they are unstoppable, as hard as that was to admit it is true. First I need to block her mind. She seems to have a strong connection...with well... Everything. I also need to make her dragon sleep. Hmmm... What to do about the boy. I realized I must have warped back to my castle because I opened my eyes to see my room. It was extravagant. It was dark lit only by a single red orb. Giving the room a ominous feel. I loved it. I stepped towards the orb and ran my hand over it. I realized I could put the girl inside it. Take her to the cave my father had put Haven in. The queen of disaster, the queen of despair, the queen of death. I needed to kill her family... but Raine? NO- no... her too, only then would she understand how hurt I was when I learned my father wasn't coming home... They killed him, the only thing I had. Now I will take theirs. I would also in the process gain hold of all the dragons. I would kill the guardian and her rider. I will become the most powerful... "Just like you said, father, just like you always wanted..." I whispered it softly but my dragon heard as he flew through my gigantic window I made for him. I smiled as he said "You will become the most powerful, in my eyes you already are. I promise you I will not fail this time. You are my king already but every king needs a kingdom and this world will suit you nicely." my dragon always knew what to say to me in my rage. I stroked his face and noticed the cut across his face. I waved my hand over it and it flashed and was gone. My dragons throat rumbled in thanks and I nodded. He turned and, pleased with himself, flew off. I sat at my desk rolling the orb in my palm. I looked down at my papers and started to write a plan. I would not fail again. Even if I had to lose Raine, my golden sun.

Abelard's P.O.V

We sat in our room for a while before getting ready for the dinner the guardian wanted to have together. I put on a tight black suit and brushed my hair and then walked back in. Raine was struggling to choose a dress so I went over and chose a soft white dress. I turned around for a moment to let her put it on and when I turned back around I tied it in the back and I stepped back to look. She looked beautiful and I smiled. She looked at herself in a mirror that had been leaned up against the wall. She smiled too and we walked out. We walked to the guardians building and went in. 4 guards flanked us after a while. Chase and grey, and Luna and Ryan. I nodded to each and they nodded back in respect. I smiled and Ryan nudged Rains whispering a few words to her. She smiled and nodded. I said to raine in my mind "What did Ryan say?" She flicked her eyes towards me and away before saying "He wanted to make sure I felt okay." She smiled and said "He reminds me a lot of father when he is worried." I nodded and we faced forward as we came to a door. Ryan and Grey opened them and we walked in followed by Luna and Chase. The guys followed us in and we we greeted by cheers. Everyone was standing and congratulating us and commenting on how old we were and we smiled wide. I waved to everyone and once everyone quieted down the guardian spoke she said "Abelard, Raine, you have done us a great service in coming here. You will be forever remembered and your story will be told for generations. That being said today you turned 13, an age some of the children here could not reach because of Stryker. We celebrate you, your parents and everything you'd done for us." as she finished everyone cheered again and We were pulled towards the table and we were Sat down and served food. Everyone Sat and we ate and laughed and told a bunch of stories. Then finally as the sky was reaching the peak of its darkness they brought out a cake. It was stacked high and was a rock with two black and purple dragons. It was beautiful. We all had a piece and after a while Raine started to yawn. I laughed and Ryan said "Here, I'll take her back." I widened my eyes and started to say it was fine, that I could take her but he held up a hand and said "I can tell you're not tired so stay and I'll take care of her." I nodded thankfully and he guided Raine out and through the doors. For some reason I had a bad feeling in my stomach but it was probably just the cake. Raine would be fine, she had Ryan.

I could never have been more wrong.

Ryan's P.O.V

I guided Raine through the doors. She was so tired I thought she would fall asleep walking but she managed to walk straight. Sort of. I smiled as she slightly leaned against me and I put an arm around her to hold her up. We were a few blocks away when I heard it. I turned and put Raine behind me. She said "Ryan what's wrong?" I looked at her. She was now awake and she was trying to see. I held her close and looked around. Suddenly a black mist curled around us. It reached out towards the lamps and the lights went out. It suddenly became very cold. It was like all the Dragon fire left our bodies. The fire we get when we bond with our dragons. I froze when I heard someone land then I heard a voice, they said "Well...well...Well. Look what we have here? A guard escorting our sweet little princess home. How sweet...Not! He stepped forward and was illuminated by fire that sprouted from his hand. He said in a menacing voice "Give her to me and no one gets hurt." He looked like a trained assassin and wore a black mark. Stryker must have sent him.... I snarled and said "I will not! You will have to kill me first!" Raine shivered and stepped back. I glanced at her and that's when The assassin made his move. I heard the sound of a sword leaving its sheath and I felt the pain before my eyes caught up with what was happening. I gasped and hunched over but quickly caught myself before grabbing my own sword and blocking the next blow. I grunted with the effort but I managed to swing his sword away and go on offence. I slashed and cut in quick succession. Fear danced over his eyes but vanished almost as quickly as it had come. He then sidestepped me and brought the hilt of his sword down on my neck. I heard a crack but paid no head as I got back to defending myself. I blocked and he cut even harder. He got faster and faster before stabbing me, getting through my defense. I was becoming slow from the loss of blood and as my vision grew hazy I felt him wrench my sword from my hands and he stabbed me once more before kicking my legs out from under me. I fell and my vision was slowly darkening​ I saw him grab Raine, why was she still here? Was she so worried she forgot to run? I watched as she was dragged away. She was thrust up into the Dragon's saddle and he Sat behind her grabbing her as he issued the order. Raine was too tired to use the powers she had only recently acquired. I watched them helplessly as they flew away. I started counting on my head. To make sure I knew how long they had been gone. I dragged myself to a light pole and pulled myself up. I felt a rip and I gasped in pain. I tried to walk but my feet failed me and I stumbled and fell. I remembered my wife and little girl and a New power ran through me. I got back up again and used my now short breath to whistle for my Dragon. He came as fast as he could and I stumbled into him. I said between gasps. " to...the...guar...dian." He nodded hiding Fear behind his eyes. I winced in pain as we took off. We made it to the guardians palace in no time and I fell off of my Dragon and as he lifted me up the guards on both sides of the door ran to my aide they said "General Ryan! What happened!?" I gasped out in pain and they lifted me up, supporting me. They walked with me and we made it to where the party was still going on. I shrugged them off and burst through the door.

Raine's P.O.V

I was walking with Ryan, he wanted to escort me home, exhaustion washed over me and I leaned into Ryan. He put and arm around me and I smiled and continued to walk. I heard some kind of noise but I was so tired I couldn't concentrate. Suddenly black mist surrounded us and the lights went out. Ryan protectively put me behind him and we faced the darkness. I said something but it my ears of sounded mute. He looked at me some kind of fear in his eyes. We turned back when I felt the ground shake as someone landed. I figure stepped into view and started to speak but the voice and the words escaped me. What was wrong with me? I watched helplessly as Ryan went in to fight. He was losing the battle. I wanted to run to scream for help but my body ceased to move. I didn't eat much, what was wrong with me... Oh, the drinks. I smelled something funny but Abelard cast it off as me being paranoid. I mentally scolded myself for putting it off so easily. I wanted to help but I literally couldn't move. I watched as the assassin knocked Ryan to the ground stabbing him before turning his gaze on me. I saw Ryan trying to get back up and say something. He looked scared. I tried to move as he grabbed me roughly. He dragged me over to his Dragon who snarled at me. I couldn't hear it though. He hoisted me up and got behind me. I reached out to Ryan and I saw him try to keep his eyes open. We took off and as I slowly blacked out I felt a chill in the pit of my stomach. I knew what was to happen to me. This time I wouldn't have Abelard. This time I wouldn't have Faaris. This time...

I might not escape...

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