Chapter 16

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The sun disappeared on the surface of Earth and the moon replaced its place. On that night, two females sneaked to go out of the HQ. Opening the door, they are greeted by the cold breeze of the night. Unknown to them, one pair of eyes watched their actions carefully. One danger also awaits them once they step a foot outside the protected headquarters.

Slowly walking down the path of the warehouses, they made their way to Haru's house first. The said girl stared at her house, knowing there is no one present on the said house. Haru smiled, knowing her father is still out there alive.

They made their way to Kyoko's house which is quite far from Haru's house. "Come Haru, let's go inside," Kyoko said to her best friend. Haru smiled and nodded.

They opened the gate, which is left open. They put their shoes aside and explore inside the house. Kyoko lingered her eyes on the house. She knew some things changed in this house. There are things she is not familiar with. Haru is also in the same situation. She had visited Kyoko before.

A small noise came from a corner. Kyoko and Haru tensed, looking at that way. Kyoko stared for it longer than Haru. She shrugged it off thinking it's just her imagination.

"Hihihi~" a small creppy laughed echoed in the household. Goosebumps are now felt by both Kyoko and Haru. "Kyo-Kyoko-chan... I think we should go back now..." Haru told her, fear written on her face. Kyoko slowly nodded. They walks carefully to the front door.

"Got you~!" a childish female voice rang. Kyoko and Haru turned around. Both their eyes widens in fear. A grin is present on her face. The girl's grin widens, "Sa-yo-na-ra~" The female sang. The last things that Kyoko and Haru saw was black.

A Mansion.

"I'm back! ~" a childish female voice rang again. The two occupants of the room turned her attention to her. A smirk takes place on their faces. The girl pointed her finger at the bag she is dragging. "And I brought guests," she smiled so brightly.

"Good job, Yuni-chan~" both males praised her so happily. "Now that we got them. Shall we move forward to our plan...?" the brunette questioned with a smirk. "Of course~!" an albino wore his fox-smile.

The morning arrived. Birds chirping on the blue skies and clouds occupying the parts. A scream suddenly filled the entire HQ. "HIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Nayoshi screamed.

An infant appeared from nowhere and kicked Nayoshi. This caused the boy to shut his screaming. "What now Nayoshi?" Reborn hissed. He is quite irritated that Nayoshi disturbed him.

Nayoshi cried in pain while holding his pained head. He stared at Reborn's onyx eyes which seems like staring to his soul. "Kyo...Kyoko-chan... a-and... Haru! They're gone!" Nayoshi blurted out.

Reborn kept no expression. He knew that Kyoko and Haru ran to their home. He sighed in irritation. "Nayoshi," a demonic voice came from Reborn. The said boy widens his eyes.

"Go to the living room now. We will talk about this there," he ordered him. Nayoshi already ran to the said room feelings chills being spread around him.

Reborn sighed in annoyance. A blue haired female passed to him. "Lal," he called the woman. The woman turned her attention to the hitman behind her. The number one hitman hopped to her head. "Are you going to tell us about the call you got now?" he asked. Lal Mirch gave no reply. Reborn too it as a 'yes' from her.

'Now, to know who that Mist user here...' he thought, looking around the room. Suddenly, he felt those mist flames again, appearing on a certain corner of the HQ. Reborn let his fedora shadow his eyes.

At the said corner of the HQ, there stood a woman with red locks. She looked around to find something. With a sigh, she walks to the living room knowing there will be a discussion. She arrived at the room, only seeing the Vongola there.

Analyzing the present occupants, she sat on one of the chair and slouched. "Hina...ta-san... Right?" the Vongola heir questioned her. "Yes," Reo answered back and kept quiet. Nayoshi seems to feel the tension and shuts his mouth.

The storm guardian glared at the woman. The rain just laughed it off like nothing happen. Soon enough, the two arcobaleno arrived in the room.

"Well then, shall we start?" Reborn asked the people. "Good, Lal," he glanced at the blue haired woman who started to tell about the phone call.

Without further things, they were sent to find the certain guardians.

Gokudera and Yamamoto encountered Gamma, the said Lightning Mare Guardian, in the middle of the forest. The duo failed to bring the down fall of the male. Before they will be ended by the man, he was attacked by a person with the catchphrase, 'I'll bite you to death!'

Gamma managed to escape in time, Hibari let out an annoyed sigh. With no more choice, he dragged his co-guardians back to the HQ. Hibari will always be Hibari no matter what.

Chrome appeared in the Kokuyo Land and ended up fighting the Mare Rain Guardian. She was on the verged of being defeated until Mukuro appeared, in the form of the owl of the enemy. The other Mist Guardian helped the female to defeat the enemy which leads to success. Creating Chrome's own real illusion with Mukuro assisting her.

Ryohei arrived and brought the female mist guardian back to the HQ. He arrived in time and the guardians are now finally completed.

On a Mansion.

"Falalalalalalala~" a childish female voice rang on the hallway. She hummed a song about the Trini-sette. She opened the a certain room. "Oh~ Yuni-chan!" a white haired man welcomed her. Yuni revealed her bright smile. "Bya-nii! Tsu-nii!" She greeted her brothers with a heartwarming smile. "Yuni-chan!" the certain brunette waved at his little sister.

"What's the news?" she asked them. Byakuran hummed, "Hmm~ The Vongola are now complete. They will probably attack second base here in Japan." Tsuna nodded, "And we will just wait for Enma to show up and the chaos will all start." Tsuna turned around to face someone at the back of Yuni.

"Nee, Enma-kun?" he smiled. The messy red haired man grinned. He stared at Tsuna's eyes, "Of course." He grinned in amusement and knowing what he will do.

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