Chapter 3

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[Author's Note]

Sound Effects


3rd Person Pov

"We are now landing in Italy in 5 minutes," the announcer informed the four skies in the plane. "Ara-ra~ Wake up my sweet babies~" Luce woke her cute so-called babies from their sleep.

"Are we there now?..." Byakuran asked half awake. He rubbed his eyes cutely as everyone did the same. Luce had some major nosebleed and heart eyes. "CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!" Luce screamed and hugged the trio.

When They Arrived in The Giglio Nero Mansion in Italy.

The doors opened revealing lined up maids and butlers. They all bowed on the same time to greet their boss, "Good Morning Boss!" Tsuna became shy and hid behind Byakuran's back like he always did. "Good Morning~" Luce greeted back to them. They walked inside the mansion, chandeliers glowed as they walked past. A very breath taking view. White walls with gold line arts, chairs for rich families. 'Su-Sugoi...' Tsuna thought admiring the mansion. Luce clapped her hands three times. Three butlers came, "Can you guide my cute little babies to their room please?" Luce asked the butlers. "Yes Boss!" The three butlers said in union. "Come, we will show you to your rooms," the three butlers said. Tsuna blinked his eyes and looked at Byakuran. "They said to come with them," Byakuran translated to Tsuna for him to understand. Tsuna made an 'O' shaped. "Let's go~" Yuni exclaimed. The three butlers pulled their baggages to there room.

While they were walking on the hallway, Tsuna's eyes landed on the paintings hanged on the wall. 10 huge picture frames lined up, each containing a picture of someone, but the 10th, or the last picture frame, doesn't have any picture yet. The first one looked like Luce. Dark blue chin lenght hair with their signature outfit. Under it said, 'Giglio Nero Primo of Giglio Nero Famiglia' 'Famiglia? Th-That word is used in Mafi-Mafia ri-right?' Tsuna thought, widening his eyes slightly. He will just ask Byakuran about this later. He checked the other pictures and his eyes landed on the eight frame. Luce is the one on the photo. 'Giglio Nero Ottavo of Giglio Nero Famiglia' Tsuna kept silent. Then the 9th. A dark green haired woman with sharp curelean eyes with a blonde man beside her. 'Giglio Nero Nono of Giglio Nero Famiglia'. Then Tsuna's eyes landed on the empty picture frame. He read 'Giglio Nero Decimo of Giglio Nero Famiglia'. "Done looking at the portraits Tsuna-kun?" Tsuna was startled and looked at Byakuran. "Don't just speak! You might give me a heartattack. "Gomen, Gomen," Byakuran apologized to Tsuna. "The Giglio Nero Nono. She looks beautiful right?" Yuni asked randomly. Tsuna looked at her. "She's my mother. Aunt Luce's sister," she explained. "Kaa-san died with Gamma, I never knew why they died," Yuni said, in the verge of tearing up. "I-I'm sorry Yuni-chan!!!" Tsuna apologized, bowing down to her. "A-Ah! Its alright Tsuna-nii!!!" Yuni said, waving her hands to him. "It's alright, I already got some perfect brothers with me!" Yuni smiled proudly. Byakuran and Tsuna also smiled at her.

Once they reached there room, the trio opened the room revealing a night sky painted room with glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. "Woah," Tsuna said in amazement, he never had a room like this. The butlers put their baggage and other things on the side and left to go back to their other works. "Okey!! I will take the middle!!!" Yuni announced and jumped on the orange sheet bed. "Aww! No fair Yuni-chan!" Byakura pouted. He ran to the bed on the left same orange sheets. Tsuna looked. 'I can start a new life here. A new life,' Tsuna thought and smiled. "Oi Tsuna-kun! Don't just stand there! Come here!" Byakuran exclaimed making a come here motion same as Yuni. Tsuna smiled wider then. Surprisingly...

He tripped.



"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Yuni and Byakuran laughed. Tsuna pouted. "Tha-That was hilarious WHAAHAHHA!!!!" Byakuran said between his laughs. "I am sorry Tsuna-nii HAHAHAHAHA" Yuni apologized between her laugh. "Mou, you guys are mean," Tsuna pouted and laughed together with them.

In Japan with Nayoshi in Tsuna's Room.

"Hn! That brat did not even said goodbye in school. He just went away like a chicken he is!" Nayoshi said going in Tsuna's room which his things are nowhere to be seen. Nayoshi scanned the room, "Bed, drawers, study table, diary. Wait Diary?" Nayoshi said and went to Tsuna's study table where an orange diary is placed. Nayoshi opened the diary on the first page.

August 15 XXXX
Dear Diary,

Yey! Its my first time getting my diary! Kaa-san bought me! Tomorrow otou-san will go home! I'm so excited! Na-nii is also excited! Ah! Diary! Na-nii said we will go now! Bye!

August 16 XXXX

Dear Diary,
We went to the market this 15 right? Sonething bad happen... Na-nii was hitted by a truck is a hit-and-run accident. Good thing Na-nii survived...
Na-nii is in a comatose state. The doctor said he will wake up maybe tomorrow. I'm so excited to see Na-nii to wake up! I even bought his favorite chocolate! Snickers! I hope Na-nii will wake up tomorrow!

September 4, XXXX

Na-nii said he hates me... I don't know why... Kaa-san starts ignoring me and hates me also. Did I do something wrong...? Na-nii said I should not call him 'Na-nii' when I called him that he will always slap me... So I started calling him 'Nayoshi-san'. Its the same with Iemitsu-san my father. He does not want me call him Otou-san and also my Kaa-san... They will slap me hard or abuse me if I did but Nana-san did nothing she just watches them abuse me...... I miss the old times with Nayoshi-san... My brother...

Octover 14, XXXX

Dear Diary,

It's my birthday today... It seems like they don't remember it... Its okay... As long as Nayoshi-san is happy celebrating his birthday I am happy... So, Happy Birthday to me and Nayoshi-san...

Nayoshi flipped the other pages and sees there's no more. He fell to his kness and cried... "Ts-Tsu-kun... I'm so-sorry..." Nayoshi said again and again memories flashing to his eyes. He screamed again and again.

In the kitchen. There is Nana cooking lunch for her and Nayoshi. She heard her son crying. She do not need to go there and ask why he is crying. Because she already knows the answer. Her son remembered her Tsu-kun. No, their Tsu-kun. A single tear left her eyes followed by more tears. She sobbed and sobbed until she finished cooking. She wiped her tears and called Nayoshi. "Na-kun! Lunch is ready!" Nana chirped happily but deep inside she is broken.

Rezah: Oryt!!! I finished Chapter 3! What an emotional chapter :(
Rezah: Now Nayoshi is crying because he lost his beloved brother *scoffs*
Anyway Disclaimer please!


Rezah: Holy Mangoes! Are you the one assigned today!?

Squalo: WELL WHO ELSE!?!?

Rezah: Hn! Just call me Rezah or Srika!


Reo: My ears are becoming deaf because of you! Well whatever!! Hope you enjoy this chapter! JA NEEE~


REWRITTEN: 12/26/17

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