Chapter 1

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Mariah POV

"I assure you, he isn't as bad as the media makes him out to be." Raymond, Chris Brown's manager, stated.

"I hopw not. I'm so nervous to be working for him." I stated.

"I wouldn't have hired you if I didn't think you could do it." He assured.

"Well thanks, but do you have any advice?" I asked.

"Try not to make eye contact and not to stand too close. Also, don't stay past 11:00PM. Gets a little crazy in there around that time." He said.

I looked at him like he had lost his mind. What the fuck had I gotta myself into? I hope he's not crazy as the media says, or at least if he is, that they haven't just scratched the surface and then he turns out to be even worse. I don't have time to be an assistant to no damn psychopath.

"Just sit right here and wait. I'll go get him." Raymond spoke.

I nodded and lowkey wanted to leave just incase he did turn out to be crazy and I could dodge a bullet. I can't be dealing with no bullshit. I had put out some applications for some assistant jobs and got a call from Raymond, well actually his wife, Corrine. She offered me the job because I was the only one that would take it. Everyone else was either a groupie or just didn't qualify for the job.

I wasn't a groupie, but I did love his music, and thats all I really care about when it comes to him. I'm not the type to see a hot celebrity and turn into a fan girl. If I like a person's music, I listen to it. Mostly because I don't know them personally so I don't have any opinion of them.

But for this guy, he actually has a history of craziness and even Corrine told me he was a hand full. Hence the reason why I'm skeptical to work up close and perspnal with him. Also, he has a history of putting people on blast that he's in a bad place with all over social media. I don't need his fans sending me threats and being rude to me just because he wants to be difficult. So basically, at the first sign of bullshit, I'm out.

I waited a good five minutes before I heard Raymond talking to whom I was gessing was Chris.

"Man she bet not be on no bullshit. And I ain't paying her. The agency is and I hope you tolf her that cause I'm not finna discuss no sallery today." I heard him say loudly.

"Quiet down. Gosh. I'm sure she heard you. Now when we get in here, act like an adult, be professional. We don't wanna scare her off." Raymond said.

"Man I told you I didn't need another assistant. What happened to the last one?" Chris asked.

"She left after you yelled at her and flipped that table." Raymond said.

My eyes bugged out. Flipped a table? Yelling? Oh hell no. I'll light his ass up if he yell at me or flip a table. I got a tazer in my purse and i don't care who you are. You will not disrespect me or flip a table on me and ruin my clothes. I wish a nigga or bitch would. At this point, I was already about to not go through with this. I gathered my shit.

"Fine. Imma be good. Long as she be good." Chris said as he and Raymond walked in just as I was about to leave.

Chris and I stood face to face and I have never been more intimidated in my life. His eyes raked over me. I felt as if he was judong me in his mind.

"Wow." He said looking confused.

"What?" I asked feeling just as confused as he was.

"I have never seen nobody built quite like you before. You...pear shaped. Wow." He said as he continued to stare at me.

"Excuse m-"

"Turn around so I can see it all around. This is crazy. You mind if I put you on my snapchat? Wow." He said as he pulled out his phone.

"Chris I told you to behave!" Raymond saod snatching his phone put of his hand. "I'm so sorry Mariah." He gave me an apologetic look.

"What did I even do?" Chris whined.

"You just embarrased the poor girl. Oh my gosh. Um, Mariah please have a seat. Chris sit downand shut up." Raymond said.

Raymond looked to be a lot older than Chris and it seemed Chris respected him as a father figure. He sat down and was quiet. I thought about making a dash for it and getting the hell out of there, but I decided to see how this is about to play out.

"I'm so sorry about him. He's a little...slow." Raymond said.

"Man ain't nobody slow. I just seen a once in a lifetime sight." Chris said.

I furrowed my brows. He acted like I was some kind of circus freak.

"Christopher." Raymond gave him a look and he instantly stopped talking. "Now to discuss your salery, what your job intells, and all the other stuff." Raymond said.

I could tell this would be a long meeting.

Hopefully y'all liked this first chapter. Next chapter will be longer.

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