chapter 19

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Chris Pov

"Chris stop!" Nia screamed at me as I continued grabbing her clothes out her closet and throwing them outside.

"Nah fuck allat shit! Where my baby clothes at huh? Where her fucking shoes at?!" I yelled at her.

"You see allem clothes on the bed?" She yelled back.

I kid you not it was only 2 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of shorts, and 5 shirts. And two night gowns. And them all the clothes I sent her home in.

"This not shit Nia! I got shit tons of clothes at my house for her! I can't even count on both hands and feet how many pairs of pants she got! And you sitting here on my child support for ROYALTY not NIA with a closet full of clothes!? Beyonce got less clothes than you bitch! Then you keep dropping her off at my job! What if me and my momma not there!? So you just gon have her up there with strangers?" I got in her face and she cowered into the corner.

"Chris stop. You're scaring me." She cried.

"Scaring you? I ain't scared you yet you dumb ass bitch! And Royalty at my momma house! You finna be real scared!" I yelled at her.

"Please don't hurt me." She whined.

"I ain't gon put a hand on you. You ain't worth it, but I'll do you one better. You gin see me in court! I don took pictures of all these clothes you got while Royalty has almost nothing! Congrats you just lost your rights as her mother!" I walked out slamming the door to her condo.

She opened the door as I walked to my car.

"Thats my baby! You can't take her from me! I gave birth to her!" She yelled as she ran after me. "Fuck you motherfucker! I hate i ever let you hit you sorry ass nigga! Fuck you!" She yelled.

She started hitting and pushing me while screaming profanities. The neighbors started to come outside, so I just got back in my car and drove off. Nia was hitting my car as I backed out her driveway. I should have ran her ass over.

I dialed my mother's number. All I heard was her Marvin Gaye ringtone, Sexual Healing.

"Hello?" She answered sounding hapoy and upbeat. I could hear Royalty in the background laughing and talking.

"Hey momma." I answered solomly.

"What she do now?" She asked.

"Depriving Ro from getting the clothes other than what I send her home with. She doesn't buy shit for Royalty. I'm always the one stuck doing everything. Evem though I pay child support, Royalty barely sees a red cent of it." I turned and switched lanes. The dude infront of me was only going 20 mph in a 40 mph. What kinda shit is that?

"I knew that bitch wasn't shit. I can't stand her. Ion knowbwhy you cheated on Karrot Cake with her. Y'all was good together. Now y'all broke up and you was doing all that psycho 'The Perfect Guy' shit to her and don pissed her off. Got her talking about you hit her and pushed her and allat shit. You need to stop cheating on good girls with hoes." She fussed.

"Its Karreuche and what does she have to do with this?" I asked.

"She called me today and asked me how you was doing. Of course I cussed her ass out and told her don't call my number no more. But you get what I'm saying. Where's that Mariah girl? She seemed cool."

"She dating The Game or should I say, The Lame." I smirked bitterly.

"Well you should have came at her correct in the first place and she would have been yours. Get your shit together boy. Stop all that childish shit and grow up. You almost 30. Get you a real woman thats about her own shit and leave these hoes alone." She said before hanging up on me.

Well damn. I thought to myself. I turned Rebone by Childish Gambino up to full blast as I continued the drive to my house.

Maybe momma was right. I needed to get a real woman. And I'm sure that woman is Mariah. I just gotta figure out how I'm gon get her.

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