chapter 16

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Mariah POV

I was currently decorating my new office that came with the job of events planner. It was sooo nice and it wasn't no damn cubical or a small closet sized room either.

"Damn you got it looking nice up in here." I turned to see Chris standing in the doorway.

"Hello Mr. Brown." I smirked.

"Hello Mariah. You're welcome." He stated.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"I'm the one who convinced Raymond to give you this job. So, you're welcome." He said.

"Thank you. Cause I was so tired of working for you and dealing with your never ending bullshit." I said with a fake smile.

"Wow that hurt. Anyway, what you got planned for this weekend?" He asked.

"I'm actually going on a date." I blushed thinking about The Game. He told me to call him Jayceon, but The Game sounded sexier.

"With who?" Chris frowned.

"None of your business." I squatted down to pick up a box and put it on my desk.

"Wow. You have a really nice ass." Chris licked his lips.

"You have a really rude vocabulary. Jeez Chris we're co-workers now. Try not to stare at my ass infront of my boss." I rolled my eyes while I put more things away.

"He not gon say nothing. He not a cock blocker." Chris said.

"Since when do you wanna put your cock anywhere near me? Second, since when do you think I would let you?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Thats not what I meant, look, I know we didn't get off on the right foot, and again, I'm sorry for how I acted. I was just going through a lot of stuff mentally." He told me.

"I forgive you. We good. And again, thank you for my job. But what assistant do you have now?" I asked.

Chris sighed.

"CHRIS!" A female voice yelled. A middle aged woman with long hair and light skin walked in with Chris daughter on her hip.

"Dah-ee!" Royalty cheered upon seeing him.

"Chris that no good bitch dropped off my grand baby. I tried to tell her not now but she shoved her in my arms and left."

"No gwood beech" Royalty repeated.

Chris cracked up and the woman whom I'm guessing is his mother scolded Royalty. I see where he gets his potty mouth from. They really shouldn't curse infront of the baby.

Chris kissed Royalty's chubby cheek and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Oh, this is Mariah. She was my assistant but i got her this job." Chris bragged.

"Aw look at my baby doing good things for people. Always making ya momma proud. Yes you are yes you are." She talked to him in baby talk while poking at his face.

Chris smiled. He's a big ass baby. Yes he is yes he is.

"Its nice to meet you. I'm Joyce." She turned her attention back to me.

"Nice to meet you too Ms. Joyce." I spoke politely and shook her hand.

"So you're the assistant my son complained about. I knew his ass was lying. You're gorgeous. He's just an ass." She rolled her eyes at him.

He looked at her like

He looked at her like

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"Mooooom!" He whined.

"Boy shit up!" She fussed as she walked out of my office. I mugged Chris.

"No gwood beeeeech" I could hear Royalty chanting down the hall.

"I don't know what she was talking about." He let out an awkward giggle.

"Chris get the hell out of my office." I pointed at the door way. "And close the door behind you."

"But Mariah, I came in here to ask you something." He looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"What?" I snapped at him as i rolled my neck.

"I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go out and celebrate your new job with me." He said shyly. He couldn't even look me in the damn face.

"Nope." I popped the P.

"And why the hell not?" He asked.

"Because what would you look like going somewhere with a fat dark skinned girl?" Petty is after all my middle name. Why not give him a taste of his own medicine? "See your way out Mr. Brown." I smirked as he sighed and walked out.

Hopefully he didn't try this shit again because he was going to be rejected every time.

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