chapter 29

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Mariah POV

Chris had been in jail for three months now. The police were using any and all tactics to keep him locked up. They had no evidence on him and no witnesses, but they did everything they could to blame him.

They had been questioning him over and over on this. I doubt he had anything to do with that murder. Hell he was at home the day it happened. How could he murder her? Plus he would never have the mother of his child murdered. They did bump heads but at the end of the day, she was still the mother of his child.

The question is, why were the police so hard up to take him to jail on this? I mean I know he has a record, but damn let him do better in life and get past all that. Thats the problem with the system. Its designed to keep you in jail. And if not, do anything they can to put you in jail. 

I was there visiting Chris. I hated that the only say I could communicate with him was from behind a glass window. I missed him. I had been a little depressed since he had gone to jail. He was supposed to be around to see the baby grow.

"I miss you daddy." I whined.

"I know baby. Stand up so I can see Princess." He said refering to the baby that was in my stomach. I was going to have a girl and we decided to name her Princess.

I stood up and turned to the side. He smiled as he looked at my growing belly.

I sat back down and tears began to fall down my face. The hormones plus everything that was going on kept me in tears on a daily. I just wanted my baby to come home so he could watch his baby be born.

"I don't know how long they gon keep me in here, but it shouldn't be long. My lawyer taking out a lawsuit on them for wrongful arrest right after I get proven innocent and that should be for sure cause they have no evidence. I don't even know why I'm in here. I didn't do nothin." He said with irritation.

"I just want you to come home." I cried.

"I will baby. Don't cry. I love you." He put his hand on the glass and i put my hand on the glass right where his was.

"I lobe you too." I said as I tried to stop crying. "I miss you so much." I started crying even harder.

"I miss you too. Look, when I get out, we going on vacation okay?" He said.

"Okay." I said sniffling.

"Times up." The guard said. We put the phones up and I watched in tears as they cuffed him and took him back to his cell.

I got up and made my way out of the building and to my car.

I made my way home where my sister was in the kitchen cooking. She had been staying with me while Chris was in jail and every chance she got she reminded me that she didn't like him. She said every time she looked at him she thought about all the things he said about me in the past and it pissed her off.

I get that she was upset, but the past is the past. He's changed. He's been treating me good and goes out of his way to show me that he loves me. So whats the big deal?

"Dinner almost ready." Mya said.

It was chicken gumbo. I loved when she made that cause it was all I craved at the moment. I couldn't wait to have my baby so I could have a seafood boil and seafood gumbo.

"What he say when you went up there?" She asked not looking up at me as she seasoned the gumbo a little more.

"He said he missed me and he would be out soon. I miss him so much." I said tearing up all over again.

My phone buzzed. It was a message from Jayceon.

I know you with that nigga now and y'all got a baby. But you see where I was right about y'all? And now he in jail. Can't even hug him if you wanted to. Should have did right by a real nigga cause now look at ya.

I shook my head. He was really rubbing this in ky face at the moment. He's just mad because I was having a baby by Chris and not him. Shit, he has enough kids and baby mommas as it is. Or do I need to remind him that?

I texted back: first of all mind your fucking business nigga. You got enough kids and baby mommas to worry about. You don't need to be worried about me and mines. We good over here nigga. He won't be in jail for long and when he gets out he still gon be doing better than you.

With that, I put my phone down and went to make my plate.

The nerve of that nigga. Don't he know when Chris gets out, he gon beat his ass? He must not know.

But what if Chris never gets out?

I shook the thought from my mind and started back eating my gumbo.

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