chapter 10

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Chris POV

On the ride to the next destination, I was sitting in the back of the bus. I didn't want anybody by me. I was so deep in my feelings at the moment.

A couple nights ago, when Mariah and I had gotten into that argument and she stood up to me, it turned me on. I'm not even attracted to her in the least, so why was I turned on by her? I didn't need to be seeing her that way. She was my assistant, and she was ugly.

She was fat, black as shit, and she was a fucking alcoholic. All she did was drink and be uptight. I thought alcohol was supposed to loosen folks up not make them even more snooty. What was her problem?

Two potty stops and a long ride later, and we were in Louisiana. I was ready to get into the hotel room and stretch out across a comfortable bed. Hopefully Mariah and I didn't have to share a bed again. I didn't wanna deal with her attitude while laying that close to her. At least they could give us two beds. She takes up too much space with her fat ass.

"You're such an asshole!" I heard someone yell. I looked to see it was Mariah on the phone with someone. I'm nosey as hell, so I decided to eavesdrop.

"No. You are the one who's getting mad at me for not texting you when I didn't even have wifi."....."You're not mines and I'm not yours so you have no right to be all up in my shit."..... "You know what fuck you." She hung up and huffed as she walked away.

"You good?" I asked as she stormed by me.

She ignored me and continued strutting to the hotel. I was annoyed by it, but decided to just let her do her. Plus, she was kinda sexy when she was mad. Wait... What the hell am I talking about? She is never sexy. I'm trippin I need to lay off the Hookah.

"Aye yo Chris! Ain't that Game?" One of my crew members called.

The Game stood across the way checking Mariah out. His thirsty ass want everybody thats got a pussy.

"Ew. What the hell is he doing here?" I grimaced.

"Ion know. Y'all still got beef yo?"

"Eh. Its whatever." I said not interested in the conversation anymore. All I knew is that I needed to keep The Game away from Mariah. For some reason, I had a gut feeling that told me I needed to do so.

"Aye yo Mariah." I called as i caught up with her.

"Yeah?" She said as she turned and looked ay me with annoyance clear in her voice.

"What gives?" I asked.

"Nothin. I talked Raymond into booking me a room of my own last minute." She said quickly before walking away with her head hung low.

A wave of guilt rushed over me. I felt a bit dissapointed because in a way, I still wanted to be in the same room as her. What the hell was going on with me? I felt so confused about things. I longed for her, but still I didn't want her. How the hell was this happening to me? Why the hell was this happening to me?

I couldn't be attracted to her. Nah. From now on, I was gonna have to push her away. Even if she was my assistant, I would still keep her at bay. She wouldn't get to me. I wouldn't let her.

Later on, I lay in my hotel room svrolling through mt Instagram. What caught my attention was on Mariah's Instagram, there was a picture of her and The Game posing in the hallway. It was captioned :Just met the game. I'm fan girling so hard rn.

I rolled my eyes and huffed. This nigga really got his thirsty ass all up in pictures with her and all up on her Instagram.

What do I care? I'm trippin. I don't even want her so I shouldn't even care. But damn, for some reason, I really feel some type of way.

"You need to get it together." I told myself.

I took my shower and got ready for bed. It wad going to be a long night.

It was a sleepless night. I tossed and turned all night. Thoughts of Mariah took over my mind. Things she'd said and done.

Something had to give. I had to get this girl out of my mind. I couldn't bare these thoughts anymore. I went into my suitcase and took out a small bag with white cocaine inside. It wasn't a habit. I didn't do it often. Just when I had a lot on my mind and I needed to get it together. I put some on the table, separated it into three lines, and snorted them each one by one. Once I finished, I felt brand new. A smile graced my face. I wasn't even tired anymore. I felt as if I could take on the world.

I turned on some music and danced around. Dancing was one of my favorite things to do. That and basketball. The music just took over my body and controlled me. It was as if I was on the outside looking in at myself dancing. This was my own personal heaven. Nothing could stop me. Or so I thought. 

Loud knocks on the door erupted. I sighed, turning off the music I walked over to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Hotel security. We have complaints about your music. I suggest you turn it down." The male voice said on the other side of the door.

"Man fuck off. I'm just trying to have some fun." I fussed.

"Well have some fun thats not playing loud music at 4 in the morning. Like, I don't know, sleeping?"

"Get the fuck away from this door and I would be able to go to sleep." I was getting irritated with this nigga's smart mouth.

"Sir just keep the noise down and I won't have to come back here." The voice said.

"Well don't come back here. Get the fuck out of here for I come out this room and beat yo ass!" I raged.

I heard a sigh and then footsteps. They started to fade signalling the guard had walked away. I sighed filled with irritation and got back in bed.

I had finally crashed, or maybe it was that the guard had ruined my high and made me fall back down to earth. I disreguarded it and closed my eyes. I let myself drift off to a dream land.

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